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Integrations - Zendesk

In this chapter, you will learn how to integrate Zendesk with VoIPstudio.

Additional information about this integration can be found at Zendesk marketplace


If you don't have a Zendesk account, you can create one here.

Once you login into Zendesk, follow steps below to find VoIPstudio integration:

First, access Zendesk's admin dashboard.


Figure 73.1 Zendesk admin dashboard.
  1. Enter Settings.
  2. Click on Go to Admin Center.


Figure 73.2 Zendesk integration setup 1.
  1. Enter Apps and integrations section.
  2. Next click Zendesk Support apps.
  3. Next click Marketplace button.


Figure 73.3 Zendesk integration setup 2.
  1. First, filter as Telephony & SMS.
  2. Type VoIPstudio into keywords field.
  3. Click in the shown VoIPstudio option.


Figure 73.4 Zendesk integration setup 3.
  1. Click the button Install in order to deploy this integration.


Figure 73.5 Zendesk integration setup 4.
  1. If there are no restrictions needed, click the Install button to continue with the installation.


Figure 73.6 Zendesk Integration setup 5.
  1. Once installed, refresh the website and the telephone icon will show up. Click on it in order to open VoIPstudio softphone.
  2. Enter your VoIPstudio Email.
  3. Enter your VoIPstudio Password.
  4. Click the Login button to continue.

If your Zendesk plan includes "Talk" feature it should be disabled in order for VoIPstudio integration to work correctly.

This can be done through Zendesk's admin dashboard.


Figure 73.7 Disable Zendesk phone.
  1. Enter Channels section.
  2. Enter Talk in the Talk and email section.
  3. Click on settings.
  4. Uncheck Enable Talk option.
  5. Click on Save to apply changes.

After following these steps, Zendesk is finally integrated with VoIPstudio.

Supported features

Calls and tasks history

Check Zendesk's call and tickets history in the Customers section and VoIPstudio's call history in the softphone.


Figure 73.8 Zendesk call history.

When a unknown inbound call comes in, a call notification will pop up, at the same time, Zendesk will create a customer task and automatically register its contact number.

This information can be modified while you're in the call.


Figure 73.9 Zendesk inbound call.

Click to call

In the Customers section, you can choose your registered customers in order to call them.


Figure 73.10 Zendesk click to call.
  1. Click on the customer's phone number
  2. Click Call this number to make an outbound call.