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2. Quick Start


Login form

Figure 2.1 Login form.

To login into the control panel navigate your web browser to https://voipstudio.com/login/ and enter your email address into field (1) and password into filed (2). Optionally you can select "Remember me on this computer" checkbox (3) to have your email address saved. Finally click Login button (4) and once Control Panel is loaded click Administration (5) button in the top right corner.

Administrator Interface overview

Administrator Control Panel

Figure 2.2 Administrator Control Panel.
  1. Balance panel - here you can find your current pre-paid balance, account statement, top-up your account and manage saved credit cards.
  2. My Account panel - here you can view and edit your company profile, track progress of your orders and obtain invoices.
  3. Settings panel - here you can manage your locations and other advanced PBX features
  4. Support Centre panel - gives access to context sensitive help. Also here you can submit tickets to our Support Team.
  5. Users panel - allows to create new and edit existing user account.
  6. Calls History grid - in this panel you can see history of all your calls (including billing details).
  7. Footer section - here you will find various links, including the one to download Softphone application.
  8. Sidebar panel - here you can manage your Inbound Numbers (DDI) and a number of advanced PBX features like: Queues, Ring and Pickup Groups, IVRs, Virtual Conferences Rooms and VoIP phones.
  9. Header buttons - here you will find buttons allowing you to switch to different sections of your Control Panel and to log out.
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Thousands of businesses across the world trust VoIPstudio for all of their most vital business communications. Why not be the next?

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