Register a new account on VoIPstudio
Getting started. Let’s see how to set up a VoIPstudio account.
A fully equipped Call Centre, direct from the cloud, get started today
Unlimited call recording to help you manage compliance and performance
Bring your teams together with our collaboration features, including video calls and video conferencing.NEW
Mostly inbound calls?
Choose a low-cost monthly licence fee and simply pay as you go for the calls you make
Outbound calls to different places?
Get 2,000 outbound minutes per user/ month and one inbound number per user
Covers international calls to over 45 countries including:
Take a look at our tutorial videos for quick guides to account setup, dashboards, virtual switchboard and all the most useful features of our business telephone.
We’ll have you up and running in no time
A guided tour of the interface to help you understand the portal layout and basic functionality.
Take a tour of the VoIPstudio administration dashboard.
All you need to know about VoIPstudio’s multi-featured virtual switchboard.
Everything you need to know about call recording on VoIPstudio.
How to add a new user from the admin panel.
How to add contacts to your personal contact directory.
Learn how to customise your experience of our virtual switchboard.
Learn how to add inbound numbers and start receiving calls on VoIPstudio.
Create an IVR system to allow callers to navigate to the right dept or person.
Learn how to automatically distribute incoming calls to selected agents.
Create call pickup groups to handle your incoming calls more effectively.
Set up and configure Music on Hold.
Learn how to transfer calls to your colleagues.
How to set up and manage voicemail.
Set up instant conference calls for unlimited participants.
Forward your inbound calls to any device.
Learn how to receive text notifications of voicemail messages using our "speech to text" functionality.
Call Detail Reports. What they are and how to find them on VoIPstudio.
Learn how to enable click to call in Microsoft Dynamics to improve productivity and streamline customer interactions
Learn how to enable click to call in Oracle Sales Cloud to improve productivity and streamline customer interactions
Start a free 30 day trial now, with no long-term commitments!
Thousands of businesses across the world trust VoIPstudio for all of their most vital business communications. Why not be the next?
Thousands of businesses across the world trust VoIPstudio for all of their most vital business communications. Why not be the next?
Start a free 30 day trial now, with no long-term commitments!