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10. Ring Groups

Ring Groups panel

Figure 10.1 Ring Groups panel.

Ring Groups allow to link several extensions into a group with a single inbound number (DDI) assigned to it.

Add Ring Group

Add Ring Group

Figure 10.2 Add Ring Group.

To create a new Ring Group:

  1. Click Add button located in Ring Groups panel.
  2. Drag and drop users you want to assign to this Ring Group.
  3. Drag and drop inbound number you wish to assign to this Ring Group.
  4. Enter Ring Group name.
  5. Click Add button.

Edit Ring Group

Edit Ring Group

Figure 10.3 Edit Ring Group.
  1. To edit a Ring Group click on the icon located on the left side of the Ring Group name.
  2. Here you can change Ring Group name.
  3. Select to have name of Ring Group ahead of caller ID.
  4. Drag and drop users to add/remove them to/from ring group.
  5. Select Ring Strategy - see diagram below for more information.
  6. Define how long group members should be called before redirecting to Destination if no answer.
  7. Drag and drop numbers to add/remove from ring group.
  8. Select Music on Hold, either system or custom music.
  9. Select what to do if call is not answered.

Ring Strategies

Ring Strategies

Figure 10.4 Ring Strategies.

Diagram above illustrates Ring Strategies for an example Ring Group with users: User A, User B and User C and Ring Time set to 5 seconds.

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