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4. Making Calls

How to Start making calls and use all of the features available directly from your Phone.

First Call

When you have your Phone configuration complete or the softphone is online you can start making calls, we suggest trying one of the following numbers first:

  • #123 - Test Call - Will play music if call connects fine and Audio equipment is configured correctly.
  • #124 - Echo Test - Will repeat or echo back any audio picked up by receiver, repeat should return in less than a second if more than a second there is likely an issue with the Internet connection.
  • #125 - DTMF Test - Tests Dual Tone Multi Frequency used to make selections in IVR/Auto Attendant menu`s, you will hear the number read back when a button is pressed.

These test numbers are also very useful for troubleshooting.

Dial Plan

The dial plan is set by your Geographical location and allows for calling local numbers without the need for Country codes or International dialling codes, even when travelling Internationally.

For Example: Location set to United Kingdom.
Dial Plan will be as follows:
Numbers in United Kingdom:
0 +
00 + +

When calling "Locally" just dial 0203 642 7900

When calling International just dial 00 34 911 231 208

This method of calling or dial plan will remain even if outside of the set location allowing frequent callers to easily reach their target numbers.

Please see at the bottom of this page a list of all dialling patterns supported by VoIPstudio Hosted PBX system at the bottom of this page.

Call On Hold

Most Desk Phones and Softphones have a dedicated Hold button, when pressed the active call is "Paused" with no Audio between Caller and Extension until the hold button is pressed again and the call is resumed.

While on Hold the caller will only hear music and can either wait to be removed from hold or hang up.

Call Transfer

Transferring a call is the process of connecting a call with a different extension or number.

Most Desk Phones and VoIPstudio Softphone has a dedicated Transfer button, when selected a prompt for the destination number will appear and once dialled can be pressed again to complete the transfer.

Attended Transfer:
Places call on hold then connects to end destination number after contact is made call is removed from hold and connected to end destination number.

This is very useful for important calls or to ensure that the destination person is available to take the call.

Blind Transfer:
Call is immediately transferred to end destination number and rings until answered.

Very quick transfer but can at times end with no one answering and the call if not at their desk and eventually hangs up or goes to voicemail.

Calls can be transferred to extensions, conference room`s or even numbers outside of the VoIP Network like landlines or Cell Phones.

Speed Dial

When adding contacts a speed dial number can be assigned making outgoing calls to frequent numbers more efficient.

Example: **23 will immediately dial the contact with this assigned number.

Ring Group

A Ring Group is a Simple way of Directing calls from a Number to a Group of extensions.

Some finer Points of a Ring group is the ability to share call volumes by using Round Robin or Hunting to ensure all Extensions get equal call volumes.


An IVR or Auto Attendant is a more interactive way of routing calls by allowing the caller to select the appropriate department or person by either selecting a number from the keypad or dialling an extension number.


Queue as the name suggest is a way to organize callers in the order that they have called in and answering their calls in the same order.

By making use of Hunting Queue`s become a versatile system to spread calls out amongst agents and ensure callers do not have to wait long.

Below are some Dialling codes that can be used to get more out of your Queues and Agents.

  • #421XXX - Agent join Queue (XXX is the Unique Queue number you wish to join)
  • #422XXX - Agent leave Queue (XXX is the Unique Queue number you wish to leave)
  • #423* - Agent Queue login to all queues
  • #424* - Agent Queue logout from all queues
  • #423XXX - Agent Queue login (XXX is the Unique Queue number you wish to login)
  • #424XXX - Agent Queue logout (XXX is the Unique Queue number you wish to logout)

NOTE: Agents need to be added or join a Queue before they can log in and out using the above codes, they can either be added by an Administrator or Join themselves using the codes set out above.


Voice-mail is Automatically set-up and ready when an extension is created with a default system greeting.

Initially when a message is left by a caller it will be delivered to the email address associated with each extension as an MP3 file but can be changed to have a transcribed message.

The following can be used to access your Voice-mail box and personalize it or listen and organize messages.

  • #445 - Voice Mail Inbox

When dialling directly to an extension or transferring a call by using *1234 for example the call will go to the Voice Mail box of extension 1234.

  • *Extension - Will go directly to the Extension Voice Mail Box if a call is made or transferred.

Call Parking

Places a call on hold but also free`s the user phone for further use and call can be retrieved by any extension as long as they know which "Parking Spot" was used.

While on a call dial #801 to park the call on spot number 1, from any Phone dial #801 to retrieve parked call from spot number 1.

For all Parking Spots and retrieval please see below:

  • #801-#820 - Park current call
  • #801-#820 - Pickup previously Parked Call

Pick Up Groups

Extensions in the same pick up group can answer calls ringing on other members Phones by dialling **

For example extensions 1234 and 4321 are in the same pick up group, Call comes in and rings on 4321 but the agent is away from their desk, by picking up their handset and dialling ** extension 1234 can answer the call on their Phone.

Conference Rooms

Virtual Conference Rooms can be reached by using the below codes and dialling them directly from your extension or a caller can be transferred into a conference room if a meeting is needed.

  • #501-#505 - Virtual Conf. Rooms

Additional Conference Rooms can be added by Administrator.

Ad hoc Recording

If call monitoring is disabled but the need arises for a connected call to be recorded dialling the below code will start recording the call and end when the code is dialled again or the call ended.

  • ## - Start/stop ad hoc call Recording

Service Codes

Available special service dial codes can be found below:

  • #123 - Test Call
  • #124 - Echo Test
  • #125 - DTMF Test
  • #421XXX - Agent join Queue (XXX is a Queue number to join)
  • #422XXX - Agent leave Queue (XXX is a Queue number to leave)
  • #423* - Agent Queue login to all queues
  • #424* - Agent Queue logout from all queues
  • #423XXX - Agent Queue login (XXX is a Queue number to login)
  • #424XXX - Agent Queue logout (XXX is a Queue number to logout)
  • #445 - Voicemail
  • #446 - Phone hot desking. See Administrator manual chapter 14. Phones - Hot Desking for details.
  • #501-#599 - Virtual Cof. Rooms
  • #801-#820 - Pickup previously Parked Call
  • ** - Call Pickup
  • *141* - Dial before a number to automatically have Caller ID as anonymous.
  • #421 - Enable Follow Me
  • #422 - Disable Follow Me
  • *Extension - Will go directly to the Extension Voice Mail Box if a call is made or transferred.

Phone dial pad codes (DTMF) listed below can be used mid call:

  • #801-#820 - Park current call
  • ## - Start/stop ad-hock call Recording

Dial Codes Per Country

Country National dialling International dialling
Andorra Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Aruba Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Australia Nxxxxxxxxx 0011 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Bahrain Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Belize Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Benin Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Botswana Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Burkina Faso Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Burundi Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Côte d'Ivoire Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Cambodia Nxxxxxxxxx 001 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Cameroon Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Canada 11-digit dialing: 1 NPA Nxx xxxx
10-digit dialing: NPA Nxx xxxx
7-digit dialing: Nxx xxxx **
011 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Cape Verde Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Central African Republic Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Chad Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Congo (Brazzaville) Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Cook Islands Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Costa Rica Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Cuba Nxxxxxxxxx 119 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Cyprus Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Czech Republic Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Denmark Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Diego-Garcia Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Djibouti Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
East Timor Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
El Salvador Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Falkland Islands Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Faroe Islands Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Fiji Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
French Antilles Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
French Guiana Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
French Polynesia Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Gabon Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Gambia Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Gibraltar Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Greece Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Greenland Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Guatemala Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Guinea Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Guinea-Bissau Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Guyana Nxxxxxxxxx 001 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Haiti Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Honduras Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Hong Kong Nxxxxxxxxx 001 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Hungary 06 Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Iceland Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Indonesia Nxxxxxxxxx 001 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Italy Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Japan Nxxxxxxxxx 010 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Kuwait Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Lesotho Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Liberia Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Liechtenstein Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Lithuania 8 Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Luxembourg Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Macao Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Madagascar Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Malawi Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Maldives Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Mali Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Malta Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Martinique Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Mauritania Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Mauritius Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Mayotte and Reunion Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Mexico 01 Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Micronesia 1 Nxxxxxxxxx 011 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Monaco Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Nauru Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
New Caledonia Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Niger Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Nigeria Nxxxxxxxxx 009 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Niue Island Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Norway Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Palau Nxxxxxxxxx 011 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Panama Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Papua New Guinea Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Paraguay Nxxxxxxxxx 002 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Portugal Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Qatar Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Rwanda Nxxxxxxxxx 000 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Samoa Nxxxxxxxxx 0 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
San Marino Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Sao Tome and Principe Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Senegal Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Seychelles Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Singapore Nxxxxxxxxx 001 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Solomon Islands Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
South Korea Nxxxxxxxxx 001 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Spain Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
St Helena and Tristan da Cunha Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
St Pierre and Miquelon Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Suriname Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Taiwan Nxxxxxxxxx 002 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Thailand Nxxxxxxxxx 001 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Togolese Republic Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Tokelau Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Tonga Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
Tuvalu (formerly Ellice Islands) Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
United States 11-digit dialing: 1 NPA Nxx xxxx
10-digit dialing: NPA Nxx xxxx
7-digit dialing: Nxx xxxx **
011 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx
All other countries 0 Nxxxxxxxxx 00 country_code Nxxxxxxxxx

** - for 7 digit dialling Location with local area code needs to be defined. Please see "Locations" chapter in Administrator Manual.

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