2K Bundle destinations and tariffs

VoIPstudio 2K Bundle
What’s included?

Here’s a full list of the destinations and
numbers covered by our 2K Bundle

Destinations covered by the 2K bundle

(Click for further details on dialling codes included in 2K bundle plan)
Argentina flag


Inbound number not included, please see this page for pricing.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Argentina 54
Argentina Mobile 542320368, 542320369, 549, 542320362, 542320359, 542320339, 54232027, 5423202642, 5423202641, 542320258, 542494260, 542323502, 542323490, 542323489, 542323508, 542323509, 54232445, 542325450, 542322201, 542320599, 542322518, 542322517, 542320619, 542320459, 542320528, 542322453, 542322459, 542322477, 542322516, 542322524, 542323220, 542323311, 542323464, 542323469, 542323480, 542302389, 542302450, 542302451, 542302452, 542302589, 542304200, 542304201, 542304248, 542304279, 542304453, 542304459, 542304477, 542304516, 542304517, 542304518, 542304524, 542314430, 542314431, 542314432, 542314438, 542316409, 542316499, 542317482, 542317483, 542317500, 542346451, 542346452, 542346453, 542346586, 542352492, 542352499, 542352500, 542353400, 542354404, 542354405, 542354419, 542355450, 542355451, 542355452, 542356400, 542356417, 542356418, 542357400, 542358404, 542358414, 542358427, 542362460, 542362461, 542362462, 54261371, 54261372, 54262447, 54261380, 542623268, 542623267, 542623266, 542624443, 542624442, 542623455, 542623454, 542623453, 542623452, 542623451, 542623450, 542623262, 542623261, 542622500, 542622462, 542622461, 542622460, 542622323, 542622322, 542622321, 542622320, 54261400, 54117087, 54117086, 54117085, 54117072, 54117071, 54117070, 54117069, 54117068, 54115399, 54115398, 54115381, 54115330, 54115251, 54115214, 54115213, 54115211, 54115209, 54115207, 54115206, 54115203, 54115130, 54115100, 54114996, 54114987, 54114978, 54114977, 54114976, 54114967, 54114929, 54114908, 54114907, 54114906, 54114869, 54114868, 54114818, 54114685, 54114681, 54114678, 54114677, 541146759, 541146751, 541146750, 54114615, 5411459, 54114562, 54114561, 54114560, 54114527, 54114385, 54114377, 54114337, 541141558, 541141557, 541141556, 541141550, 54114154, 54114150, 54114041, 5411249, 5411248, 5411247, 5411246, 5411245, 5411204, 54112011, 54112010, 5411200, 54675, 54670, 5422, 5429, 5434, 543644496, 543644447, 543644442, 543644441, 543644283, 543644282, 543644281, 543644280, 543644264, 543644263, 543625317, 543625316, 543625315, 543624589, 543624588, 543624477, 543624457, 543624455, 543624454, 543624199, 543624193, 543624192, 543624191, 543624190, 543624181, 543624180, 543585497, 543585490, 543585051, 543585050, 543584899, 543584898, 543584897, 543584889, 54358474, 54358473, 543584728, 543584727, 543584721, 543584720, 543584495, 543584490, 543584454, 543584453, 543584151, 543584150, 543584100, 543583483, 543583482, 543582463, 543582462, 543582461, 543582460, 543576469, 543576460, 543576439, 543576400, 543575483, 543575482, 543575481, 543574452, 543574451, 543574450, 543573492, 543573452, 54357245, 54357145, 543564493, 543564477, 543564449, 543564448, 543564447, 543564442, 543564355, 543564354, 543564353, 543564309, 543563495, 543563490, 543562452, 543562450, 543549453, 543549452, 543549451, 543549450, 543548469, 543548461, 543548460, 543548440, 543547499, 543547487, 543547486, 543547485, 543547482, 543547409, 543546479, 543546470, 543544487, 543544459, 543544458, 543544450, 543543688, 543543647, 54354347, 5435433300, 543542463, 543542462, 54354146, 543541327, 543541326, 5435412633, 5435412632, 543537489, 543537488, 543537484, 543537452, 543537451, 543535665, 543535664, 54353558, 543534892, 543534891, 543534890, 543534800, 543534726, 543534725, 54353457, 54353456, 543534488, 543534484, 543534452, 543533452, 543533450, 543532463, 543532462, 543532461, 543532460, 543525459, 543525452, 543525451, 543525450, 543524498, 543524495, 543522452, 543522450, 543521520, 543521483, 543521480, 543518353, 54351798, 54351797, 54351724, 54351712, 54351711, 543516556, 543516498, 543516497, 543516496, 543514907, 543514449, 543514448, 543514440, 54351439, 54351438, 54351437, 54351436, 54351407, 54351405, 54351401, 54351400, 5437, 543388452, 543388450, 543387497, 543387482, 543385459, 543385452, 543385451, 543385450, 543382459, 543382450, 54336449, 543364478, 543364262, 543364261, 543364101, 543364100, 54332945, 5438, 542804949, 542804948, 542804946, 542804945, 542804776, 542804775, 542804774, 542804502, 542804501, 542804500, 542804469, 542804461, 542804460, 542804222, 542664918, 542664912, 542664911, 54266478, 542664473, 542664472, 542664471, 542664470, 542664462, 542664247, 542658404, 542658403, 542658400, 542657737, 542657736, 542657731, 542657730, 5426574995, 542657463, 542657462, 542657461, 542657460, 542657446, 542657261, 542657260, 542656451, 542656450, 542656400, 542655491, 542655404, 542655403, 542652785, 542652784, 542652783, 542652782, 542652473, 542652472, 542652471, 542652470, 542652462, 542652247, 542651400, 542648406, 542648405, 542648400, 542647418, 542647417, 542647400, 542646405, 542646404, 542646010, 54264500, 542644944, 542644940, 54264479, 54264438, 54264437, 542644029, 542644026, 54263445, 542634297, 542634296, 542634295, 542634294, 54263426, 542627484, 542627464, 542627463, 542627462, 542627461, 542627460, 542627315, 542627249, 542627248, 542627247, 542626490, 542626483, 542626482, 542626406, 542625602, 542625443, 542625442, 542625441, 542625440, 542624491, 542614800, 542614809, 54261483, 542614899, 542616024, 542616289, 542622315, 542622318, 542622319, 54237490, 54237429, 542392450, 542392451, 542392452, 542392485, 542392699, 542374152, 542374153, 54237427, 542393400, 542394400, 542394401, 542394447, 542374151, 542374150, 542364290, 542364291, 542364293, 542364460, 542364461, 542364462, 542364463, 542364530, 542362530, 542362463, 542394448, 54261370, 542612626, 54261260, 54261211, 542604484, 54260446, 542604315, 542604249, 542604248, 542604247, 542494461, 542494460, 542494384, 542494262, 542494261, 542478526, 542604069, 542604068, 542494463, 542494462, 54247849, 542477481, 542477463, 542477462, 542477461, 542477460, 542475490, 542475430, 542395404, 542395447, 542395448, 542396460, 542396461, 542396462, 542396463, 542473490, 542473495, 542473530, 542473531, 542474450, 542474451, 542474452, 542475429, 542325451, 542325452, 542326415, 542326416, 542326428, 542331400, 542331405, 542331406, 542333400, 542333430, 542333431, 542334416, 542334417, 542334480, 542336411, 542336412, 542336490, 542337418, 542337419, 542338416, 542338417, 542342488, 542342489, 542342490, 542342500, 542343400, 542343415, 542343416, 542344437, 542344448, 542344449, 542344491, 542344492, 542344494, 542345450, 542345451, 542345452, 542345570, 542345571, 542346311, 542346312, 542346351, 542346405, 542346450, 54261401, 54261403, 542614048, 542614049, 54261455, 54261456, 54261457, 54115202, 54114040, 5411399, 5411371592, 5411371591, 5411371590, 5411281, 5411262, 5411261, 5411260, 541125
Argentina Special 54116261, 54115519, 54221587
Australia flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Australia (Local) 61
Australia 61
Australia Mobile (Local) 6114, 6115, 6116, 61170, 61171, 61172, 61174, 61177, 61178, 61179, 61191, 61193, 61194, 61196, 61199, 614, 6118, 6104
Australia Mobile 6114, 6115, 6116, 61170, 61171, 61172, 61174, 61177, 61178, 61179, 61191, 61193, 61194, 61196, 61199, 614, 6118, 6104
Australia Special 6113, 61891, 611223, 611196, 611194, 611100, 611451430, 611451431, 611451432, 611451433, 611451434
Austria flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Austria (Local) 43
Austria (from EEA) 43
Austria 43
Austria Mobile (Local) 43644, 43650, 43651, 43652, 43653, 43655, 43657, 43659, 43660, 43661, 43663, 43664, 43665, 43666, 43667, 43668, 43669, 4367, 4368, 4369
Austria Mobile (from EEA) 43644, 43650, 43651, 43652, 43653, 43655, 43657, 43659, 43660, 43661, 43663, 43664, 43665, 43666, 43667, 43668, 43669, 4367, 4368, 4369
Austria Mobile 43644, 43650, 43651, 43652, 43653, 43655, 43657, 43659, 43660, 43661, 43663, 43664, 43665, 43666, 43667, 43668, 43669, 4367, 4368, 4369
Austria Special (Local) 43711, 43720, 43730, 43740, 43780, 43810, 43820, 439, 43821, 43828, 43501, 43502, 43503, 43504, 43505, 43506, 43507, 43508, 43509, 43517, 4357, 4359, 4311855, 4311850, 4311820, 4311861, 4311868, 43118812, 43118818, 43118820, 43118866, 43118870, 43118878, 43118880, 43118888, 43118898, 4311851, 4311854, 4311858, 4311867, 43118822, 43118899, 4311841, 4311848, 4311866, 43118833, 43118877, 4311840, 43118811, 4311865, 43670309409, 4367030947, 4367030981, 4367080055, 4367080121, 4367080124, 43670801240, 43670801241, 43670801242, 43670801243, 43670801244, 43670801245, 43670801246, 43670801247, 43670801248, 43670801249, 43670801290, 43670801292, 43670801294, 43670801299, 4367080130, 4367080131, 43670809029, 43670809034, 43670809336, 43670809404, 43670809444, 43670809613, 43670809622, 43670809747, 43670809820, 43670809922
Austria Special 43711, 43720, 43730, 43740, 43780, 43810, 43820, 439, 43821, 43828, 43501, 43502, 43503, 43504, 43505, 43506, 43507, 43508, 43509, 43517, 4357, 4359, 4311855, 4311850, 4311820, 4311861, 4311868, 43118812, 43118818, 43118820, 43118866, 43118870, 43118878, 43118880, 43118888, 43118898, 4311851, 4311854, 4311858, 4311867, 43118822, 43118899, 4311841, 4311848, 4311866, 43118833, 43118877, 4311840, 43118811, 4311865, 43670309409, 4367030947, 4367030981, 4367080055, 4367080121, 4367080124, 43670801240, 43670801241, 43670801242, 43670801243, 43670801244, 43670801245, 43670801246, 43670801247, 43670801248, 43670801249, 43670801290, 43670801292, 43670801294, 43670801299, 4367080130, 4367080131, 43670809029, 43670809034, 43670809336, 43670809404, 43670809444, 43670809613, 43670809622, 43670809747, 43670809820, 43670809922
Belgium flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Belgium (Local) 32
Belgium (from EEA) 32
Belgium 32
Belgium Mobile (Local) 3245, 3247, 3248, 3249, 3246, 3277
Belgium Mobile (from EEA) 3245, 3247, 3248, 3249, 3246, 3277
Belgium Mobile 3245, 3247, 3248, 3249, 3246, 3277
Belgium Special (Local) 3270, 3278, 32800
Belgium Special 3270, 3278, 32800
Belgium Toll Free 328005, 328004, 328003, 328002, 328001, 328006, 328000, 328009, 328008, 328007
Brazil flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Brazil 55
Brazil Mobile 55146, 55139, 55138, 55136, 55129, 55128, 55126, 55119, 55117, 55148, 55149, 55156, 55158, 55159, 55166, 55168, 55169, 55176, 55178, 55179, 55186, 55188, 55189, 55196, 55198, 55199, 55216, 55217, 55218, 55219, 55226, 55227, 55228, 55229, 55246, 55247, 55248, 55249, 55276, 55277, 55278, 55279, 55286, 55287, 55288, 55289, 55316, 55317, 55318, 55319, 55326, 55327, 55328, 55329, 55336, 55337, 55338, 55339, 55346, 55347, 55348, 55349, 55356, 55357, 55358, 55359, 55376, 55377, 55378, 55379, 55386, 55387, 55388, 55389, 55416, 55417, 55418, 55419, 55421, 55426, 55427, 55428, 55429, 55436, 55437, 55438, 55439, 55446, 55447, 55448, 55449, 55456, 55457, 55458, 55459, 55466, 55467, 55468, 55469, 55476, 55477, 55478, 55479, 55486, 55487, 55488, 55489, 55496, 55497, 55498, 55499, 55516, 55517, 55518, 55519, 55536, 55537, 55538, 55539, 55546, 55547, 55548, 55549, 55556, 55557, 55558, 55559, 55616, 55617, 55618, 55619, 55626, 55627, 55628, 55629, 55636, 55637, 55638, 55639, 55646, 55647, 55648, 55649, 55656, 55657, 55658, 55659, 55666, 55667, 55668, 55669, 55676, 55677, 55678, 55679, 55686, 55687, 55688, 55689, 55696, 55697, 55698, 55699, 55716, 55717, 55718, 55719, 55736, 55737, 55738, 55739, 55746, 55747, 55748, 55749, 55756, 55757, 55758, 55759, 55776, 55777, 55778, 55779, 55796, 55797, 55798, 55799, 55816, 55817, 55818, 55819, 55826, 55827, 55828, 55829, 55836, 55837, 55838, 55839, 55846, 55847, 55848, 55849, 55856, 55857, 55858, 55859, 55866, 55867, 55868, 55869, 55876, 55877, 55878, 55879, 55886, 55887, 55888, 55889, 55896, 55897, 55898, 55899, 55916, 55917, 55918, 55919, 55926, 55927, 55928, 55929, 55936, 55937, 55938, 55939, 55946, 55947, 55948, 55949, 55956, 55957, 55958, 55959, 55966, 55967, 55968, 55969, 55976, 55977, 55978, 55979, 55986, 55987, 55988, 55989, 55996, 55997, 55998, 55999
Brazil Fixed 5531, 5561, 5519, 5541, 5548, 5562, 55331, 55332, 55333, 55334, 5551, 5521, 55112, 55113, 55114, 55115, 5512, 5513, 5514, 5515, 5516, 5517, 5518
Brazil Special 5522976018
Canada flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Canada 1204, 1250, 1289, 1306, 1403, 1416, 1418, 1450, 1506, 1514, 1604, 1613, 1647, 1709, 1778, 1780, 1819, 1902, 1905, 1519, 1226, 1705, 1807, 1431, 1639, 1587, 1365, 1437, 1343, 1873, 1236, 1581, 1438, 1249, 1579
Canada Special 1250232, 1250233, 1250234, 1250235, 1250237, 1250239, 1250321, 1250471, 1250500, 1250771, 1250772, 1250773, 1250774, 1250775, 1250776, 1250778, 1250779, 1867, 1819381, 1819382, 1819385, 1819387, 1819392, 1819397, 1819399, 1819301, 1819402, 1819403, 1819404, 1819405, 1819406, 1819407, 1819369, 1819413, 1819401, 1819367, 1819567, 1819363, 1819426, 1819316, 1819333, 1819336, 1819339, 1819344, 1819350, 1819364, 1819352, 1819354, 1819355, 1819356, 1819357, 1819358, 1819359, 1819361, 1819353, 1819428, 1819521, 1819435, 1819516, 1819520, 1819522, 1819523, 1819526, 1819527, 1819544, 1819513, 1819545, 1819547, 1819548, 1819550, 1819551, 1819552, 1819558, 1819559, 1819546, 1819433, 1819509, 1819505, 1819436, 1819440, 1819442, 1819443, 1819444, 1819447, 1819453, 1819508, 1819454, 1819480, 1819482, 1819488, 1819490, 1819493, 1819499, 1819504, 1819464, 1819298, 1819733, 1819294, 1807630, 1807631, 1807632, 1807633, 1807683, 1807684, 1807707, 180762, 1807708, 1807619, 1807547, 1819583, 1807356, 1807407, 1807444, 1807456, 1807463, 1807464, 1807577, 1807465, 1807467, 1807468, 1807472, 1807473, 1807474, 1807475, 1807476, 1807466, 1807709, 1807766, 1807767, 1819241, 1819256, 1819260, 1819261, 1819262, 1819264, 1819265, 1819234, 1819268, 1819277, 1819279, 1819280, 1819283, 1819285, 1819290, 1819293, 1819270, 1819233, 1819229, 1819226, 1807768, 1807777, 1807867, 1807935, 1807939, 1807957, 1807983, 1807995, 1807999, 1819202, 1819203, 1819204, 1819206, 1819221, 1819222, 1819224, 1819225, 1819297, 1819585, 1819978, 1819587, 1819874, 1819880, 1819882, 1819885, 1819895, 1819917, 1819924, 1819865, 1819925, 1819936, 1819937, 1819940, 1819941, 1819945, 1819946, 1819947, 1819929, 1819948, 1819863, 1819859, 1819793, 1819796, 1819797, 1819798, 1819799, 1819814, 1819824, 1819860, 1819825, 1819831, 1819833, 1819836, 1819853, 1819854, 1819855, 1819856, 1819830, 1819788, 1819949, 1819952, 1873395, 1873399, 1873401, 1873402, 1873403, 1873407, 1873452, 1873394, 1873585, 1873624, 1873746, 1873840, 1873841, 1873842, 1873860, 1873937, 1873622, 1819951, 1873393, 1873385, 1819954, 1819963, 1819975, 1819977, 1807355, 1819981, 1819983, 1873388, 1819984, 1873201, 1873357, 1873379, 1873380, 1873381, 1873383, 1873384, 1819787, 1819786, 1819785, 1819646, 1819647, 1819648, 1819649, 1819650, 1819651, 1819653, 1819645, 1819660, 1819666, 1819667, 1819670, 1819672, 1819673, 1819676, 1819680, 1819662, 1819702, 1819641, 1819637, 1819589, 1819591, 1819597, 1819602, 1819603, 1819605, 1819606, 1819638, 1819608, 1819616, 1819622, 1819623, 1819625, 1819629, 1819630, 1819634, 1819615, 1819706, 1819710, 1819715, 1819756, 1819757, 1819759, 1819760, 1819761, 1819762, 1819763, 1819755, 1819764, 1819766, 1819767, 1819768, 1819781, 1819782, 1819783, 1819784, 1819765, 1819754, 1819753, 1819750, 1819720, 1819722, 1819723, 1819724, 1819726, 1819727, 1819728, 1819732, 1819734, 1819735, 1819736, 1819737, 1819738, 1819739, 1819747, 1819748, 1819749, 1819586, 1807346, 1705231, 1807344, 1450783, 1450785, 1450788, 1450790, 1450791, 1450792, 1450793, 1450782, 1450794, 1450798, 1450799, 1450875, 1450894, 1450989, 1450997, 1519225, 1450796, 1519229, 1450587, 1450571, 1450392, 1450393, 1450401, 1450402, 1450410, 1450422, 1450423, 1450573, 1450426, 1450480, 1450488, 1450503, 1450532, 1450535, 1450548, 1450549, 1450440, 1450384, 1519233, 1519237, 1519468, 1519522, 1519529, 1519565, 1519592, 1519595, 1519596, 1519456, 1519612, 1519706, 1807345, 1519765, 1519773, 1519779, 1519786, 1519793, 1519665, 1519236, 1519424, 1519395, 1519238, 1519243, 1519263, 1519296, 1519327, 1519335, 1519349, 1519396, 1519353, 1519367, 1519368, 1519385, 1519386, 1519389, 1519392, 1519393, 1519361, 1450383, 1450381, 1450380, 1249994, 1250624, 1250627, 1250622, 1249992, 1249777, 1226331, 1226342, 1226428, 1226437, 1226438, 1226439, 1226441, 1249991, 1226442, 1226453, 1226454, 1226520, 1226521, 1226545, 1226930, 1249710, 1226447, 1418217, 1418223, 1418748, 1418770, 1418774, 1418824, 1418923, 1418937, 1418969, 1418745, 1418972, 1418985, 1418986, 1450244, 1450253, 1450293, 1450296, 1450329, 1418978, 1418636, 1418625, 1418595, 1418244, 1418245, 1418249, 1418257, 1418267, 1418287, 1418383, 1418422, 1418449, 1418459, 1418464, 1418483, 1418485, 1418486, 1418519, 1418585, 1418593, 1519795, 1519799, 1519708, 1519832, 1705565, 1705567, 1705568, 1705569, 1705570, 1705572, 1705577, 1705563, 1705579, 1705622, 1705624, 1705625, 1705628, 1705629, 1705630, 1705631, 1705620, 1705634, 1705557, 1705544, 1705374, 1705376, 1705377, 1705381, 1705390, 1519828, 1705406, 1705545, 1705407, 1705425, 1705462, 1705463, 1705465, 1705469, 1705473, 1705531, 1705412, 1705638, 1705642, 1705643, 1705997, 1807212, 1807216, 1807217, 1807219, 1807220, 1807221, 1705962, 1807223, 1807252, 1807285, 1807286, 1807310, 1807323, 1807333, 1807343, 1807251, 1705961, 1705960, 1705951, 1705647, 1705648, 1705650, 1705658, 1705668, 1705672, 1705676, 1705678, 1705679, 1705680, 1705686, 1705859, 1705892, 1705899, 1705932, 1705944, 1705948, 1705373, 1705372, 1705399, 1705369, 1581579, 1581627, 1581634, 1581713, 1581714, 1581715, 1581813, 1581445, 1581820, 1613279, 1705371, 1613538, 1613582, 1613587, 1613629, 1613638, 1613273, 1613659, 1581444, 1581420, 1519839, 1519844, 1519847, 1519849, 1519866, 1519874, 1519899, 1581430, 1581209, 1581215, 1581231, 1705221, 1613375, 1705336, 1705295, 1705314, 1705319, 1705334, 1705335, 1705225, 1705337, 1705288, 1705338, 1705347, 1705360, 1705362, 1705363, 1705364, 1705365, 1705367, 1705339, 1705278, 1705332, 1705274, 1705232, 1705235, 1705236, 1705275, 1705240, 1705258, 1705262, 1705264, 1705237, 1705266, 1705267, 1705268, 1705269, 1705271, 1705272, 1705273, 1705265
Canada Directory Assistance 1204131, 1226131, 1289131, 1306131, 1403131, 1416131, 1450131, 1506131, 1418131, 1250131, 1519131, 1604131, 1613131, 1514131, 1902131, 1905131, 1867131, 1819131, 1647131, 1705131, 1709131, 1778131, 1780131, 1807131, 1438131
Chile flag


Inbound number not included, please see this page for pricing.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Chile (Local) 56
Chile 56
Chile Mobile (Local) 568, 569
Chile Mobile 568, 569
Chile Rural (Local) 562572, 562593, 562788, 564, 567, 566, 565, 563, 562868, 562196, 562197, 562198, 5622572, 5622593, 5622788, 5622868, 56228905, 56228906, 56228907, 56228908, 56228909, 5622917, 5622929, 5622930, 5622993, 5622997, 5622794, 56225889797, 56225884694, 56225884680, 56225884673, 56225884666, 56225884586, 56225880110, 56224195701
Chile Rural 562572, 562593, 562788, 564, 567, 566, 565, 563, 562868, 562196, 562197, 562198, 5622572, 5622593, 5622788, 5622868, 56228905, 56228906, 56228907, 56228908, 56228909, 5622917, 5622929, 5622930, 5622993, 5622997, 5622794, 56225889797, 56225884694, 56225884680, 56225884673, 56225884666, 56225884586, 56225880110, 56224195701
Chile Special (Local) 5645197, 5611, 5615, 5632255, 56421972124, 56322100
Chile Special 5645197, 5611, 5615, 5632255, 56421972124, 56322100
Colombia flag


Inbound number not included, please see this page for pricing.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Colombia 57
Colombia Mobile 573, 5791017, 5791016, 5791015, 5791014, 5791013, 5791012, 5791011, 5791010, 5791040, 579103, 5791029, 5791028, 5791027, 5791026, 5791025, 5791024, 5791023, 5791022
Colombia Special 5718230, 571824, 5718250, 5718251, 5718252, 5718253, 5718254, 5718255, 5718256, 5718298, 571834, 571835, 571836, 571837, 5718383, 5718385, 5718388, 571839, 57184, 57185, 5718647, 5718648, 57186490, 57186491, 57186492, 57186493, 57186494, 5718656, 57186571, 571866, 571867, 571868, 571871, 5718720, 5718721, 5718722, 571873, 5718771, 5718780, 5718781, 5718782, 5718785, 5718786, 5718788, 5718789, 571879, 571881, 5718820, 5718821, 5718825, 5718826, 571883, 571886, 571887, 571889, 571890, 571892, 571895, 5718960, 5718961, 5718962, 5718963, 5718970, 5718971, 5718972, 5718973, 5718974, 5718980, 5718981, 5718990, 5718991, 5718992, 5718993, 571923, 571934, 5722, 57756, 57572, 57529, 57485, 57484, 57234, 572724, 572726, 572727, 572728, 57274, 572775, 572777, 572778, 572779, 572825, 572826, 5728270, 5728271, 5728272, 57282730, 57282731, 57282732, 57282733, 57282734, 57282735, 57282736, 5728275, 5728276, 5728277, 5728278, 5728279, 572828, 572829, 57284, 57290917, 57290918, 57290919, 57290928, 57290929, 5729157, 572923, 5746700, 5746701, 5746702, 5746703, 574679, 57468, 57475, 57476, 57477, 574791, 574792, 574796, 57481, 57482, 57483, 57486, 57487, 57488, 57491, 57492, 57493, 57524901, 57524902, 57524903, 57524904, 57524905, 57524906, 57524907, 57524908, 57524909, 575274, 575275, 575283, 575284, 575285, 575286, 575287, 575288, 575289, 57541, 575424, 575425, 575427, 575429, 57546, 57547, 57548, 57550, 57552, 57555, 57556, 575575, 575576, 575577, 5755790, 5755798, 5755799, 575584, 57562, 57563, 575682, 575683, 5756840, 575685, 575686, 575687, 575688, 575689, 57571, 57577, 57584, 57587, 575920, 5759220, 575927, 575928, 57628, 5763497, 5763498, 5763499, 576352, 576353, 576356, 57636, 57656, 57675, 57676, 57681, 57683, 57684, 57685, 576860, 576864, 576865, 576866, 576867, 576868, 576869, 57689319, 5768932, 5768933, 576911, 576912, 576913, 57751, 57752, 57755, 577585, 577586, 577601, 577602, 577603, 577606, 577610, 577611, 577613, 577614, 57761697, 57761698, 57761699, 5776188, 57762, 5776566, 5776567, 5776568, 577660, 577661, 577662, 57766325, 57766326, 57766327, 57766328, 57766329, 57766330, 57766331, 57766388, 57766389, 57771, 57772, 57774, 57775, 5779168, 577918, 57792, 578224, 578225, 578226, 578227, 578228, 578239, 5782440, 578245, 578246, 578247, 578248, 57825, 57828, 578430, 578431, 57846, 578514, 57852, 57862, 578636, 578637, 578638, 578639, 578645, 578646, 578648, 57865, 578675, 578676, 578687, 57872, 57873, 578750, 578752, 578753, 578754, 578759, 578760, 578761, 578762, 578763, 578765, 57877, 57878, 57879, 57884, 5788689, 578878, 5788790, 5788791, 5788797, 578249, 576914, 575926, 574898, 574894, 57893, 57883, 57880, 57856, 57847, 57889, 578768, 57870, 578640, 578635, 578633, 57859238, 57859236, 5752491, 5752499, 575399, 575585, 57753, 57754, 577608, 57776, 578433, 57777, 578644, 57773, 571924, 571925, 571926, 571927, 5719281, 5719282, 5719283, 5719284, 57192879, 5719289, 5719319, 571932, 571933, 572700, 572818, 571929, 5719301, 5719303, 57789, 578240, 57832, 5719304, 5719306, 5719309, 5719310, 5719312, 5719315, 574795, 57842, 578432, 571880, 5718910, 5718911, 57788, 57779, 57780, 57781, 57782, 57783, 57784, 57786, 578511, 57859235, 57778
Czechia flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Czech Republic (Local) 420
Czech Republic 420
Czech Republic Mobile (Local) 42093, 42096, 420840, 4206, 4207
Czech Republic Mobile 42093, 42096, 420840, 4206, 4207
Czech Republic Special 42091004, 420849, 420847, 420841, 420848, 420842, 420118, 42081, 42082, 42083, 4208400, 420840100, 420840101, 420840102, 4208401031, 4208401032, 4208401033, 4208401034, 4208401035, 4208401036, 4208401037, 4208401038, 4208401039, 420840104, 420840105, 420840106, 420840107, 420840108, 420840109, 42084011, 42084012, 42084013, 42084014, 42084015, 42084016, 42084017, 42084018, 42084019, 4208402, 4208403, 4208404, 4208405, 4208406, 4208407, 4208408, 4208409, 420843, 420844, 420845, 420846, 42085, 42086, 42087, 42088, 42089, 42090
Denmark flag


Inbound number not included, please see this page for pricing.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Denmark (Local) 45
Denmark 45
Denmark Mobile (Local) 4549255, 4549190, 4549181, 4549180, 4549177, 4549176, 4549188, 4549187, 4549185, 4549184, 452, 4530, 4531, 4540, 4541, 4542, 4550, 4551, 4552, 4553, 4560, 4561, 4571, 4581, 4591, 4549258, 4549200, 4549220, 4549222, 4549193, 4549191, 4549192, 4549221, 4549256, 4592, 4593, 456911, 45371001, 45371000, 453360, 457870, 458980, 4549253, 4546341, 4546498, 4546497, 4546343, 4549175, 4549174, 4549170, 4549169, 4549168, 4549163, 4532, 454640, 4546383, 4546384, 4546558, 4546559, 4546560, 4546382, 4546492, 4546491, 4546488, 4546487, 4546551, 4546550, 4546342, 4546473, 4546470, 4546464, 4546462, 4546557, 4546499, 4546348, 4546347, 4546346, 4546345, 4546474, 4546471, 4546340, 4546469, 4546468, 4546467, 4546481, 4546480, 4546478, 4546412, 4546496, 4546370, 454633, 4546372, 4546371, 4546419, 4546373, 4546413, 4546414, 4546476, 4546420, 4546475, 4546432, 4546421, 4546449, 4546423, 4546448, 454636, 4546460, 4546433, 4546418, 4546385, 4546422, 4546461, 4546482, 454654, 4546381, 4546434, 4546380, 4546477, 4546427, 4546374, 4546424, 4546431, 4546410, 4549279, 4549280, 4549281, 4549282, 4549283, 4549284, 4549286, 4549287, 4549288, 4549289, 4549295, 4549298, 4549299, 45493, 454941, 454942, 454943, 454944, 454945, 454946, 454947, 454948, 454949, 4549700, 4549701, 4549702, 4549703, 4549704, 4549707, 4549708, 4549709, 4549710, 4549711, 4549717, 4549718, 4549719, 4549750, 4549751, 4549754, 4549755, 4549758, 4549759, 4549760, 4549761, 4549762, 4549763, 4549765, 4549766, 4549767, 4549770, 4549772, 4549780, 4549789, 4549810, 4549812, 4549813, 4549814, 4549815, 4549817, 45541, 45542, 455431, 455432, 4554400, 4554404, 4554418, 4554427, 4554428, 4554429, 455443, 4554440, 4554441, 4554442, 4554443, 4554444, 4554445, 4554446, 4554447, 4554449, 4554451, 4554453, 4554454, 4554455, 4554456, 4554457, 4554460, 4554461, 4554462, 4554463, 4554464, 4554465, 4554466, 4554467, 4554490, 4554491, 4554492, 4554493, 4554494, 45642121, 45642122, 45642123, 45642154, 45642222, 45642811, 45642929, 4564400, 4564401, 4564402, 4564403, 4564406, 456441, 4564421, 4564422, 4564423, 4564431, 4564432, 4564433, 4564441, 4564442, 4564451, 4564457, 4564458, 4564459, 4564460, 4564461, 4564462, 4564471, 4564472, 4564473, 4564474, 4564481, 4564491, 4564492, 45645050, 456463, 456464, 456465, 456466, 456467, 456468, 456469, 4564711, 4564712, 4564713, 4564714, 4564715, 4564721, 4564722, 4564723, 4564731, 4564732, 4564733, 4564741, 4564742, 4564743, 4564744, 4564745, 4564746, 4564747, 4564748, 4564749, 4564751, 4564752, 4564761, 4564762, 4564763, 4564764, 4564771, 4564781, 4564784, 4564785, 4564786, 4564787, 4564788, 4564789, 4564791, 4564792, 4564801, 4564804, 4564805, 4564806, 4564811, 4564812, 4564813, 4564821, 4564822, 4564823, 4564824, 4564825, 4564826, 4564827, 4564828, 4564829, 4564831, 4564841, 4564842, 4564851, 4564852, 4564861, 4564871, 4564872, 4564881, 4564882, 4564891, 4564892, 4564893, 4564897, 4564898, 4564899, 456957, 45696, 45698, 45699, 457810, 457841, 457842, 457843, 457844, 457845, 457846, 457847, 457871, 457872, 457873, 457874, 457875, 457876, 457877, 457878, 457879, 4537100237, 4537100238, 4537100239, 453710034, 453710035, 453710036, 4537100370, 4537100372, 4537100373, 4537100374, 4537100375, 4537100376, 4537100377, 4537100378, 4537100379, 453710038, 453710039, 45371004, 45371005, 453710060, 453710061, 4537100620, 4537100621, 4537100622, 454416, 454418, 456930, 453710022, 4537100371, 4549271, 4549252, 4549251, 4549266, 4549265, 4549264, 4549263, 4549262, 4549261, 4549260, 4549259, 4549270, 4549203, 4549202, 4549201, 4549223, 4549224, 4549225, 4549226, 4549194, 454921, 4549250, 4549162, 4549118, 4546795, 4546768, 4546763, 4546740, 4546578, 4546769, 4546761, 4546741, 4546571, 4549126, 4546754, 4546574, 4549130, 4549122, 4546579, 4546564, 4549127, 4546793, 4549136, 4546783, 4546777, 4546776, 4546572, 45466, 4549132, 4549150, 4546752, 4546797, 4549156, 4546561, 4546788, 45468, 4549111, 4549113, 4549114, 4546781, 4546770, 4546751, 4546750, 4549134, 4546734, 4546744, 4546573, 4546562, 4549160, 4546791, 4546790, 4546767, 4546760, 4546756, 4546753, 4546742, 4546575, 4549161, 4549158, 4549155, 4549151, 454914, 4549139, 4549138, 4549135, 4549133, 4549131, 4549125, 4549121, 4549112, 4549110, 454910, 45469, 4546798, 4546796, 4546794, 4546792, 4546789, 4546787, 4546786, 4546782, 4546778, 4546775, 4546774, 4546773, 4546772, 4546771, 4546762, 4546757, 4546755, 4546743, 4546733, 4546732, 4546731, 4546730, 454659, 4546570, 4546565, 4546577, 4546563, 4546328, 4546327, 4546326, 454635, 4546555, 4546323, 4546320, 4546325, 4546324, 4546315, 4546322, 4546321, 4546318, 4546317, 4546316, 4546314, 4546313, 4546312, 4546311, 4546438, 4546437, 4546310, 454630, 45461, 454499, 454498, 454497, 454495, 454494, 4544894, 4544892, 4544699, 4544891, 4544890, 4544889, 4544888, 4544696, 454492, 4544887, 454491, 4544898, 4544885, 4544695, 4544884, 4544883, 4544882, 4544694, 4544881, 4544880, 4544879, 4544878, 4544877, 4544875, 4544874, 4544873, 4544871, 4544870, 4544691, 4544690, 454468, 4544868, 4544867, 4544866, 454466, 454465, 454464, 454461, 454460, 4544588, 4544587, 4544586, 4544585, 4544584, 4544583, 4544865, 4544862, 4544582, 4544581, 4544580, 4544579, 4544578, 4544577, 4544576, 4544575, 4544574, 4544571, 4544570, 454456, 454455, 454454, 454453, 454452, 4544518, 4544517, 4544516, 4544515, 4544510, 454450, 4544495, 4544494, 4544493, 4544492, 4544861, 4544491, 4544490, 4544860, 454447, 454448, 454446, 454445, 454444, 454443, 454442, 454441, 454440, 4544396, 4544394, 4544393, 454485, 454484, 4544839, 4544838, 4544836, 4544835, 4544832, 4544831, 4544830, 4544828, 4544827, 4544824, 4544822, 4544392, 4544391, 4544821, 4544390, 4544383, 4544380, 4544378, 4544377, 4544373, 4544372, 4544371, 4544370, 4544366, 4544361, 4544360, 4544358, 4544820, 4544357, 4544356, 4544809, 4544355, 4544351, 4544350, 4544348, 4544347, 4544345, 4544342, 4544341, 4544340, 454432, 4544808, 4544312, 4544311, 4544310, 4544349, 4544278, 4544277, 4544276, 4544272, 4544271, 4544270, 4544269, 4544268, 4544266, 4544264, 4544263, 4544262, 4544261, 4544260, 454425, 4544805, 4544800, 4544788, 4544787, 4544786, 4544784, 454477, 454474, 4544738, 454424, 4544232, 4544737, 4544734, 4544231, 4544230, 454422, 4544219, 4544218, 4544217, 4544216, 4544214, 4544213, 4544212, 4544211, 4544210, 454420, 454413, 4537109986, 4537109985, 4537109984, 4537109983, 4537109982, 4537109981, 4537109980, 4537109979, 4537109978, 4537109977, 4537103710, 4544731, 4537100334, 4537100333, 4537100332, 4537100331, 4537100330, 4537100234, 4537100233, 4537100232, 4544897, 4544896, 4537100231, 4544730, 4537100230, 453710021, 453710020, 45349, 45348, 45347, 45346, 45345, 453449, 453448, 453447, 453446, 453434, 45342, 4544707, 459481, 459442, 4544705, 459441, 459440, 456644, 4566336, 455458, 455455, 455436, 455435, 455434, 455433, 4544704, 455430, 454951, 454950, 454940, 454888, 454412, 454314, 4537100339, 4537100338, 4537100337, 4537100336, 4537100335, 453571, 453570, 455454, 4549816, 454417, 4544703, 4544702, 4544700, 4544346, 4544279, 453710032, 454414, 4544697, 4544698
Denmark Mobile (from EEA) 4549255, 4549190, 4549181, 4549180, 4549177, 4549176, 4549188, 4549187, 4549185, 4549184, 452, 4530, 4531, 4540, 4541, 4542, 4550, 4551, 4552, 4553, 4560, 4561, 4571, 4581, 4591, 4549258, 4549200, 4549220, 4549222, 4549193, 4549191, 4549192, 4549221, 4549256, 4592, 4593, 456911, 45371001, 45371000, 453360, 457870, 458980, 4549253, 4546341, 4546498, 4546497, 4546343, 4549175, 4549174, 4549170, 4549169, 4549168, 4549163, 4532, 454640, 4546383, 4546384, 4546558, 4546559, 4546560, 4546382, 4546492, 4546491, 4546488, 4546487, 4546551, 4546550, 4546342, 4546473, 4546470, 4546464, 4546462, 4546557, 4546499, 4546348, 4546347, 4546346, 4546345, 4546474, 4546471, 4546340, 4546469, 4546468, 4546467, 4546481, 4546480, 4546478, 4546412, 4546496, 4546370, 454633, 4546372, 4546371, 4546419, 4546373, 4546413, 4546414, 4546476, 4546420, 4546475, 4546432, 4546421, 4546449, 4546423, 4546448, 454636, 4546460, 4546433, 4546418, 4546385, 4546422, 4546461, 4546482, 454654, 4546381, 4546434, 4546380, 4546477, 4546427, 4546374, 4546424, 4546431, 4546410, 4549279, 4549280, 4549281, 4549282, 4549283, 4549284, 4549286, 4549287, 4549288, 4549289, 4549295, 4549298, 4549299, 45493, 454941, 454942, 454943, 454944, 454945, 454946, 454947, 454948, 454949, 4549700, 4549701, 4549702, 4549703, 4549704, 4549707, 4549708, 4549709, 4549710, 4549711, 4549717, 4549718, 4549719, 4549750, 4549751, 4549754, 4549755, 4549758, 4549759, 4549760, 4549761, 4549762, 4549763, 4549765, 4549766, 4549767, 4549770, 4549772, 4549780, 4549789, 4549810, 4549812, 4549813, 4549814, 4549815, 4549817, 45541, 45542, 455431, 455432, 4554400, 4554404, 4554418, 4554427, 4554428, 4554429, 455443, 4554440, 4554441, 4554442, 4554443, 4554444, 4554445, 4554446, 4554447, 4554449, 4554451, 4554453, 4554454, 4554455, 4554456, 4554457, 4554460, 4554461, 4554462, 4554463, 4554464, 4554465, 4554466, 4554467, 4554490, 4554491, 4554492, 4554493, 4554494, 45642121, 45642122, 45642123, 45642154, 45642222, 45642811, 45642929, 4564400, 4564401, 4564402, 4564403, 4564406, 456441, 4564421, 4564422, 4564423, 4564431, 4564432, 4564433, 4564441, 4564442, 4564451, 4564457, 4564458, 4564459, 4564460, 4564461, 4564462, 4564471, 4564472, 4564473, 4564474, 4564481, 4564491, 4564492, 45645050, 456463, 456464, 456465, 456466, 456467, 456468, 456469, 4564711, 4564712, 4564713, 4564714, 4564715, 4564721, 4564722, 4564723, 4564731, 4564732, 4564733, 4564741, 4564742, 4564743, 4564744, 4564745, 4564746, 4564747, 4564748, 4564749, 4564751, 4564752, 4564761, 4564762, 4564763, 4564764, 4564771, 4564781, 4564784, 4564785, 4564786, 4564787, 4564788, 4564789, 4564791, 4564792, 4564801, 4564804, 4564805, 4564806, 4564811, 4564812, 4564813, 4564821, 4564822, 4564823, 4564824, 4564825, 4564826, 4564827, 4564828, 4564829, 4564831, 4564841, 4564842, 4564851, 4564852, 4564861, 4564871, 4564872, 4564881, 4564882, 4564891, 4564892, 4564893, 4564897, 4564898, 4564899, 456957, 45696, 45698, 45699, 457810, 457841, 457842, 457843, 457844, 457845, 457846, 457847, 457871, 457872, 457873, 457874, 457875, 457876, 457877, 457878, 457879, 4537100237, 4537100238, 4537100239, 453710034, 453710035, 453710036, 4537100370, 4537100372, 4537100373, 4537100374, 4537100375, 4537100376, 4537100377, 4537100378, 4537100379, 453710038, 453710039, 45371004, 45371005, 453710060, 453710061, 4537100620, 4537100621, 4537100622, 454416, 454418, 456930, 453710022, 4537100371, 4549271, 4549252, 4549251, 4549266, 4549265, 4549264, 4549263, 4549262, 4549261, 4549260, 4549259, 4549270, 4549203, 4549202, 4549201, 4549223, 4549224, 4549225, 4549226, 4549194, 454921, 4549250, 4549162, 4549118, 4546795, 4546768, 4546763, 4546740, 4546578, 4546769, 4546761, 4546741, 4546571, 4549126, 4546754, 4546574, 4549130, 4549122, 4546579, 4546564, 4549127, 4546793, 4549136, 4546783, 4546777, 4546776, 4546572, 45466, 4549132, 4549150, 4546752, 4546797, 4549156, 4546561, 4546788, 45468, 4549111, 4549113, 4549114, 4546781, 4546770, 4546751, 4546750, 4549134, 4546734, 4546744, 4546573, 4546562, 4549160, 4546791, 4546790, 4546767, 4546760, 4546756, 4546753, 4546742, 4546575, 4549161, 4549158, 4549155, 4549151, 454914, 4549139, 4549138, 4549135, 4549133, 4549131, 4549125, 4549121, 4549112, 4549110, 454910, 45469, 4546798, 4546796, 4546794, 4546792, 4546789, 4546787, 4546786, 4546782, 4546778, 4546775, 4546774, 4546773, 4546772, 4546771, 4546762, 4546757, 4546755, 4546743, 4546733, 4546732, 4546731, 4546730, 454659, 4546570, 4546565, 4546577, 4546563, 4546328, 4546327, 4546326, 454635, 4546555, 4546323, 4546320, 4546325, 4546324, 4546315, 4546322, 4546321, 4546318, 4546317, 4546316, 4546314, 4546313, 4546312, 4546311, 4546438, 4546437, 4546310, 454630, 45461, 454499, 454498, 454497, 454495, 454494, 4544894, 4544892, 4544699, 4544891, 4544890, 4544889, 4544888, 4544696, 454492, 4544887, 454491, 4544898, 4544885, 4544695, 4544884, 4544883, 4544882, 4544694, 4544881, 4544880, 4544879, 4544878, 4544877, 4544875, 4544874, 4544873, 4544871, 4544870, 4544691, 4544690, 454468, 4544868, 4544867, 4544866, 454466, 454465, 454464, 454461, 454460, 4544588, 4544587, 4544586, 4544585, 4544584, 4544583, 4544865, 4544862, 4544582, 4544581, 4544580, 4544579, 4544578, 4544577, 4544576, 4544575, 4544574, 4544571, 4544570, 454456, 454455, 454454, 454453, 454452, 4544518, 4544517, 4544516, 4544515, 4544510, 454450, 4544495, 4544494, 4544493, 4544492, 4544861, 4544491, 4544490, 4544860, 454447, 454448, 454446, 454445, 454444, 454443, 454442, 454441, 454440, 4544396, 4544394, 4544393, 454485, 454484, 4544839, 4544838, 4544836, 4544835, 4544832, 4544831, 4544830, 4544828, 4544827, 4544824, 4544822, 4544392, 4544391, 4544821, 4544390, 4544383, 4544380, 4544378, 4544377, 4544373, 4544372, 4544371, 4544370, 4544366, 4544361, 4544360, 4544358, 4544820, 4544357, 4544356, 4544809, 4544355, 4544351, 4544350, 4544348, 4544347, 4544345, 4544342, 4544341, 4544340, 454432, 4544808, 4544312, 4544311, 4544310, 4544349, 4544278, 4544277, 4544276, 4544272, 4544271, 4544270, 4544269, 4544268, 4544266, 4544264, 4544263, 4544262, 4544261, 4544260, 454425, 4544805, 4544800, 4544788, 4544787, 4544786, 4544784, 454477, 454474, 4544738, 454424, 4544232, 4544737, 4544734, 4544231, 4544230, 454422, 4544219, 4544218, 4544217, 4544216, 4544214, 4544213, 4544212, 4544211, 4544210, 454420, 454413, 4537109986, 4537109985, 4537109984, 4537109983, 4537109982, 4537109981, 4537109980, 4537109979, 4537109978, 4537109977, 4537103710, 4544731, 4537100334, 4537100333, 4537100332, 4537100331, 4537100330, 4537100234, 4537100233, 4537100232, 4544897, 4544896, 4537100231, 4544730, 4537100230, 453710021, 453710020, 45349, 45348, 45347, 45346, 45345, 453449, 453448, 453447, 453446, 453434, 45342, 4544707, 459481, 459442, 4544705, 459441, 459440, 456644, 4566336, 455458, 455455, 455436, 455435, 455434, 455433, 4544704, 455430, 454951, 454950, 454940, 454888, 454412, 454314, 4537100339, 4537100338, 4537100337, 4537100336, 4537100335, 453571, 453570, 455454, 4549816, 454417, 4544703, 4544702, 4544700, 4544346, 4544279, 453710032, 454414, 4544697, 4544698
Denmark Mobile 4549255, 4549190, 4549181, 4549180, 4549177, 4549176, 4549188, 4549187, 4549185, 4549184, 452, 4530, 4531, 4540, 4541, 4542, 4550, 4551, 4552, 4553, 4560, 4561, 4571, 4581, 4591, 4549258, 4549200, 4549220, 4549222, 4549193, 4549191, 4549192, 4549221, 4549256, 4592, 4593, 456911, 45371001, 45371000, 453360, 457870, 458980, 4549253, 4546341, 4546498, 4546497, 4546343, 4549175, 4549174, 4549170, 4549169, 4549168, 4549163, 4532, 454640, 4546383, 4546384, 4546558, 4546559, 4546560, 4546382, 4546492, 4546491, 4546488, 4546487, 4546551, 4546550, 4546342, 4546473, 4546470, 4546464, 4546462, 4546557, 4546499, 4546348, 4546347, 4546346, 4546345, 4546474, 4546471, 4546340, 4546469, 4546468, 4546467, 4546481, 4546480, 4546478, 4546412, 4546496, 4546370, 454633, 4546372, 4546371, 4546419, 4546373, 4546413, 4546414, 4546476, 4546420, 4546475, 4546432, 4546421, 4546449, 4546423, 4546448, 454636, 4546460, 4546433, 4546418, 4546385, 4546422, 4546461, 4546482, 454654, 4546381, 4546434, 4546380, 4546477, 4546427, 4546374, 4546424, 4546431, 4546410, 4549279, 4549280, 4549281, 4549282, 4549283, 4549284, 4549286, 4549287, 4549288, 4549289, 4549295, 4549298, 4549299, 45493, 454941, 454942, 454943, 454944, 454945, 454946, 454947, 454948, 454949, 4549700, 4549701, 4549702, 4549703, 4549704, 4549707, 4549708, 4549709, 4549710, 4549711, 4549717, 4549718, 4549719, 4549750, 4549751, 4549754, 4549755, 4549758, 4549759, 4549760, 4549761, 4549762, 4549763, 4549765, 4549766, 4549767, 4549770, 4549772, 4549780, 4549789, 4549810, 4549812, 4549813, 4549814, 4549815, 4549817, 45541, 45542, 455431, 455432, 4554400, 4554404, 4554418, 4554427, 4554428, 4554429, 455443, 4554440, 4554441, 4554442, 4554443, 4554444, 4554445, 4554446, 4554447, 4554449, 4554451, 4554453, 4554454, 4554455, 4554456, 4554457, 4554460, 4554461, 4554462, 4554463, 4554464, 4554465, 4554466, 4554467, 4554490, 4554491, 4554492, 4554493, 4554494, 45642121, 45642122, 45642123, 45642154, 45642222, 45642811, 45642929, 4564400, 4564401, 4564402, 4564403, 4564406, 456441, 4564421, 4564422, 4564423, 4564431, 4564432, 4564433, 4564441, 4564442, 4564451, 4564457, 4564458, 4564459, 4564460, 4564461, 4564462, 4564471, 4564472, 4564473, 4564474, 4564481, 4564491, 4564492, 45645050, 456463, 456464, 456465, 456466, 456467, 456468, 456469, 4564711, 4564712, 4564713, 4564714, 4564715, 4564721, 4564722, 4564723, 4564731, 4564732, 4564733, 4564741, 4564742, 4564743, 4564744, 4564745, 4564746, 4564747, 4564748, 4564749, 4564751, 4564752, 4564761, 4564762, 4564763, 4564764, 4564771, 4564781, 4564784, 4564785, 4564786, 4564787, 4564788, 4564789, 4564791, 4564792, 4564801, 4564804, 4564805, 4564806, 4564811, 4564812, 4564813, 4564821, 4564822, 4564823, 4564824, 4564825, 4564826, 4564827, 4564828, 4564829, 4564831, 4564841, 4564842, 4564851, 4564852, 4564861, 4564871, 4564872, 4564881, 4564882, 4564891, 4564892, 4564893, 4564897, 4564898, 4564899, 456957, 45696, 45698, 45699, 457810, 457841, 457842, 457843, 457844, 457845, 457846, 457847, 457871, 457872, 457873, 457874, 457875, 457876, 457877, 457878, 457879, 4537100237, 4537100238, 4537100239, 453710034, 453710035, 453710036, 4537100370, 4537100372, 4537100373, 4537100374, 4537100375, 4537100376, 4537100377, 4537100378, 4537100379, 453710038, 453710039, 45371004, 45371005, 453710060, 453710061, 4537100620, 4537100621, 4537100622, 454416, 454418, 456930, 453710022, 4537100371, 4549271, 4549252, 4549251, 4549266, 4549265, 4549264, 4549263, 4549262, 4549261, 4549260, 4549259, 4549270, 4549203, 4549202, 4549201, 4549223, 4549224, 4549225, 4549226, 4549194, 454921, 4549250, 4549162, 4549118, 4546795, 4546768, 4546763, 4546740, 4546578, 4546769, 4546761, 4546741, 4546571, 4549126, 4546754, 4546574, 4549130, 4549122, 4546579, 4546564, 4549127, 4546793, 4549136, 4546783, 4546777, 4546776, 4546572, 45466, 4549132, 4549150, 4546752, 4546797, 4549156, 4546561, 4546788, 45468, 4549111, 4549113, 4549114, 4546781, 4546770, 4546751, 4546750, 4549134, 4546734, 4546744, 4546573, 4546562, 4549160, 4546791, 4546790, 4546767, 4546760, 4546756, 4546753, 4546742, 4546575, 4549161, 4549158, 4549155, 4549151, 454914, 4549139, 4549138, 4549135, 4549133, 4549131, 4549125, 4549121, 4549112, 4549110, 454910, 45469, 4546798, 4546796, 4546794, 4546792, 4546789, 4546787, 4546786, 4546782, 4546778, 4546775, 4546774, 4546773, 4546772, 4546771, 4546762, 4546757, 4546755, 4546743, 4546733, 4546732, 4546731, 4546730, 454659, 4546570, 4546565, 4546577, 4546563, 4546328, 4546327, 4546326, 454635, 4546555, 4546323, 4546320, 4546325, 4546324, 4546315, 4546322, 4546321, 4546318, 4546317, 4546316, 4546314, 4546313, 4546312, 4546311, 4546438, 4546437, 4546310, 454630, 45461, 454499, 454498, 454497, 454495, 454494, 4544894, 4544892, 4544699, 4544891, 4544890, 4544889, 4544888, 4544696, 454492, 4544887, 454491, 4544898, 4544885, 4544695, 4544884, 4544883, 4544882, 4544694, 4544881, 4544880, 4544879, 4544878, 4544877, 4544875, 4544874, 4544873, 4544871, 4544870, 4544691, 4544690, 454468, 4544868, 4544867, 4544866, 454466, 454465, 454464, 454461, 454460, 4544588, 4544587, 4544586, 4544585, 4544584, 4544583, 4544865, 4544862, 4544582, 4544581, 4544580, 4544579, 4544578, 4544577, 4544576, 4544575, 4544574, 4544571, 4544570, 454456, 454455, 454454, 454453, 454452, 4544518, 4544517, 4544516, 4544515, 4544510, 454450, 4544495, 4544494, 4544493, 4544492, 4544861, 4544491, 4544490, 4544860, 454447, 454448, 454446, 454445, 454444, 454443, 454442, 454441, 454440, 4544396, 4544394, 4544393, 454485, 454484, 4544839, 4544838, 4544836, 4544835, 4544832, 4544831, 4544830, 4544828, 4544827, 4544824, 4544822, 4544392, 4544391, 4544821, 4544390, 4544383, 4544380, 4544378, 4544377, 4544373, 4544372, 4544371, 4544370, 4544366, 4544361, 4544360, 4544358, 4544820, 4544357, 4544356, 4544809, 4544355, 4544351, 4544350, 4544348, 4544347, 4544345, 4544342, 4544341, 4544340, 454432, 4544808, 4544312, 4544311, 4544310, 4544349, 4544278, 4544277, 4544276, 4544272, 4544271, 4544270, 4544269, 4544268, 4544266, 4544264, 4544263, 4544262, 4544261, 4544260, 454425, 4544805, 4544800, 4544788, 4544787, 4544786, 4544784, 454477, 454474, 4544738, 454424, 4544232, 4544737, 4544734, 4544231, 4544230, 454422, 4544219, 4544218, 4544217, 4544216, 4544214, 4544213, 4544212, 4544211, 4544210, 454420, 454413, 4537109986, 4537109985, 4537109984, 4537109983, 4537109982, 4537109981, 4537109980, 4537109979, 4537109978, 4537109977, 4537103710, 4544731, 4537100334, 4537100333, 4537100332, 4537100331, 4537100330, 4537100234, 4537100233, 4537100232, 4544897, 4544896, 4537100231, 4544730, 4537100230, 453710021, 453710020, 45349, 45348, 45347, 45346, 45345, 453449, 453448, 453447, 453446, 453434, 45342, 4544707, 459481, 459442, 4544705, 459441, 459440, 456644, 4566336, 455458, 455455, 455436, 455435, 455434, 455433, 4544704, 455430, 454951, 454950, 454940, 454888, 454412, 454314, 4537100339, 4537100338, 4537100337, 4537100336, 4537100335, 453571, 453570, 455454, 4549816, 454417, 4544703, 4544702, 4544700, 4544346, 4544279, 453710032, 454414, 4544697, 4544698
Denmark Special 4570, 4580, 459120
Finland flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Finland (Local) 358
Finland (from EEA) 358
Finland 358
Finland Mobile (Local) 3584, 35850
Finland Mobile (from EEA) 3584, 35850
Finland Mobile 3584, 35850
Finland Special Services (Local) 35810, 35820, 35829, 35830, 35839, 35860, 358700, 358701, 358704, 358705, 358706, 358707, 358708, 358709, 35873, 35875, 35876, 358800, 3589315980, 35871, 3584571, 3584324, 3584326
Finland Special Services 35810, 35820, 35829, 35830, 35839, 35860, 358700, 358701, 358704, 358705, 358706, 358707, 358708, 358709, 35873, 35875, 35876, 358800, 3589315980, 35871, 3584571, 3584324, 3584326
France flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
France (Local) 33
France (from EEA) 33
France 33
France Mobile (Local) 334007, 334008, 337
France Mobile (from EEA) 334007, 334008, 337
France Mobile 334007, 334008, 337
France Special Services (Local) 3387, 339, 33185767018, 33359574550, 33149206747, 333435, 333480, 3339, 333434, 33118001, 33118007, 33118008, 33118018, 33118200, 33118208, 33118218, 33118228, 33118300, 33118318, 33118412, 33118418, 33118444, 33118600, 33118618, 33118666, 33118700, 33118707, 33118711, 33118718, 33118777, 33118808, 33118812, 33118818, 33118900, 33118999, 33118712, 333430, 333440, 333442, 333444, 333446, 333447, 333449, 333493, 333497, 3332, 3336, 33186651912, 33176420295, 33182883934, 3375766, 33757936829, 33757936833, 33757936956, 33757936965, 3375793702, 3375794201, 33806, 33807, 33808, 33809, 3381, 3382, 3383, 3384, 3385, 3386, 3388, 3389064, 3389071, 338908, 33891, 33892, 33893, 33894, 33895, 33896, 33897, 33898, 33899
France Special Services 3387, 339, 33185767018, 33359574550, 33149206747, 333435, 333480, 3339, 333434, 33118001, 33118007, 33118008, 33118018, 33118200, 33118208, 33118218, 33118228, 33118300, 33118318, 33118412, 33118418, 33118444, 33118600, 33118618, 33118666, 33118700, 33118707, 33118711, 33118718, 33118777, 33118808, 33118812, 33118818, 33118900, 33118999, 33118712, 333430, 333440, 333442, 333444, 333446, 333447, 333449, 333493, 333497, 3332, 3336, 33186651912, 33176420295, 33182883934, 3375766, 33757936829, 33757936833, 33757936956, 33757936965, 3375793702, 3375794201, 33806, 33807, 33808, 33809, 3381, 3382, 3383, 3384, 3385, 3386, 3388, 3389064, 3389071, 338908, 33891, 33892, 33893, 33894, 33895, 33896, 33897, 33898, 33899
France Premium 338
France Mobile Band 1 (Local) 33700000, 336, 337514, 337513, 3378, 337500, 337501, 337505, 3375060, 337561, 337562, 337563, 335091, 337519, 33775, 337576, 337577, 337578, 337564, 337517, 33755, 33754, 33752, 337575, 337510, 337573, 337511, 3376, 33758, 33753, 337515, 337512, 335113, 335106, 335107, 335108, 337560, 337518, 33779, 33778, 33777, 33776, 3377154, 337572, 337714, 337713, 337507, 3377150, 3377151, 3377152, 3377153
France Mobile Band 1 33700000, 336, 337514, 337513, 3378, 337500, 337501, 337505, 3375060, 337561, 337562, 337563, 335091, 337519, 33775, 337576, 337577, 337578, 337564, 337517, 33755, 33754, 33752, 337575, 337510, 337573, 337511, 3376, 33758, 33753, 337515, 337512, 335113, 335106, 335107, 335108, 337560, 337518, 33779, 33778, 33777, 33776, 3377154, 337572, 337714, 337713, 337507, 3377150, 3377151, 3377152, 3377153
France Mobile Band 2 3363800, 3364000, 3364001, 3364002, 3364003, 3364004, 3363806
France Toll Free 330805, 330801, 330800
Germany flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Germany (Local) 49
Germany (from EEA) 49
Germany 49
Germany Mobile (Local) 491
Germany Mobile (from EEA) 491
Germany Mobile 491
Germany Premium 4932, 49900
Germany Shared Cost 4918
Germany Personal (Local) 49700, 49701, 496926012260, 4975796235199
Germany Personal 49700, 49701, 496926012260, 4975796235199
Germany Mobile Band 1 (Local) 49155, 491529, 491517, 491516, 491515, 491514, 491512, 491511, 49175, 49170, 49160, 49171, 491599, 491598, 491597, 491596, 491595, 491594, 491593, 491592, 491591, 491519, 491518, 491513, 491510, 49150, 49156, 4915310, 49164, 49168, 49169, 49166
Germany Mobile Band 1 49155, 491529, 491517, 491516, 491515, 491514, 491512, 491511, 49175, 49170, 49160, 49171, 491599, 491598, 491597, 491596, 491595, 491594, 491593, 491592, 491591, 491519, 491518, 491513, 491510, 49150, 49156, 4915310, 49164, 49168, 49169, 49166
Germany Toll Free 49800
Germany Special 49116, 49118, 4912, 4913, 49191, 49192, 49193, 49194, 49180
Greece flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Greece (Local) 30
Greece (from EEA) 30
Greece 30
Greece Mobile (Local) 306, 3097, 30212333, 305005000, 307006000, 3094
Greece Mobile (from EEA) 306, 3097, 30212333, 305005000, 307006000, 3094
Greece Mobile 306, 3097, 30212333, 305005000, 307006000, 3094
Greece Special 30213114, 30695328, 30699046, 30210375, 30692428, 30692354, 30806, 30801, 30812, 30825, 30850, 30875, 307, 30116000, 30116111, 30116123, 30109, 30197, 301020, 301021, 301022, 301023, 301024, 301025, 301031, 301033, 301034, 301035, 301045, 301050, 301051, 301055, 301056, 301057, 301065, 301069, 301070, 301075, 301077, 301078, 301100, 301107, 301109, 301110, 301114, 301116, 301118, 301130, 301133, 301135, 301137, 301142, 301143, 301144, 301145, 301147, 301150, 301151, 301153, 301154, 301156, 301158, 301163, 301168, 301169, 301175, 301889, 3010300, 3010301, 3010303, 3010304, 3010380, 3010400, 3010401, 3010404, 3010410, 3010414, 3010440, 3010520, 3010521, 3010522, 3010523, 3010525, 3010600, 3010601, 3010606, 3010610, 3010611, 3010616, 3010710, 3011010, 3011011, 3011012, 3011044, 3011050, 3011080, 3011085, 3011088, 3011120, 3011121, 3011122, 3011123, 3011124, 3011125, 3011126, 3011130, 3011131, 3011135, 3011154, 3011155, 3011177, 3011310, 3011311, 3011313, 3011314, 3011320, 3011322, 3011345, 3011399, 3011404, 3011414, 3011415, 3011522, 3011525, 3011527, 3011528, 3011700, 3011707, 3011710, 3011711, 3011717, 3011718, 3011721, 3011770, 3011771, 3011777, 3013700, 3013713, 3013731, 3013777, 3013780, 3013788, 30138, 3015, 30101, 3018100, 3018101, 3018108, 3018110, 3018111, 3018112, 3018113, 3018118, 3018121, 3018123, 3018128, 3018130, 3018133, 3018136, 3018150, 3018159, 3018166, 3018171, 3018175, 3018180, 3018181, 3018182, 3018184, 3018188, 3018189, 3018190, 3018191, 3018192, 3018198, 3018199, 3018200, 3018202, 3018210, 3018211, 3018218, 3018220, 3018222, 3018232, 3018234, 3018280, 3018282, 3018283, 3018288, 3018300, 3018310, 3018311, 3018318, 3018330, 3018333, 3018345, 3018350, 3018365, 3018388, 3018855, 3011824, 3011876, 3014511, 3014546, 3014714, 3014777, 3014814, 3014944, 3011810, 3011818, 3011821, 3011822, 3011833, 3011850, 3011858, 3011870, 3011880, 3011885, 3011888, 3011898, 3014500, 3014540, 3014541, 3014555, 3014700, 3014740, 3014744, 3014850, 3014950, 3011878, 3011890, 3011892, 3014514, 3014565, 3014584, 3014600, 3014614, 3014644, 3014646, 3014650, 3014724, 3014747, 3014774, 3014801, 3014870, 3014901, 3014994, 3019803, 3019848, 30696, 30825620, 30825610, 30825600, 30700500, 30692500, 30692356, 30261451, 30231214, 30214441, 30699022
Guam flag


Inbound number not available.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Guam 1671
Guam Mobile 1671476, 167168, 167172
Hong Kong SAR China flag

Hong Kong SAR China

Inbound number not included, please see this page for pricing.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Hong Kong S.A.R. China (Local) 852
Hong Kong S.A.R. China 852
Hong Kong S.A.R. China Mobile (Local) 85217, 8524, 85251, 85253, 85254, 85256, 85259, 8526, 8527, 8529, 85287, 85284, 85285, 85286, 85288, 85289, 85255, 85252, 8521961050, 8521961051, 8521961052, 8521961053, 8521961054, 8525700, 8525701, 8525704, 8525705, 8525707, 8525708, 8525718, 8525719, 8525730, 8525731, 8525732, 8525733, 8525734, 8525735, 8525736, 8525745, 8525746, 8525747, 8525748, 8525760, 8525761, 8525762, 8525763, 8525764, 8525765, 8525766, 8525767, 8525768, 8525769, 8525702, 8525703, 8525710, 8525711, 8525712, 8525713, 8525714, 8525715, 8525716, 8525717, 8525749, 852578, 852579, 852572, 8525740, 8525741, 8525742, 8525743, 8525744, 8528329
Hong Kong S.A.R. China Mobile 85217, 8524, 85251, 85253, 85254, 85256, 85259, 8526, 8527, 8529, 85287, 85284, 85285, 85286, 85288, 85289, 85255, 85252, 8521961050, 8521961051, 8521961052, 8521961053, 8521961054, 8525700, 8525701, 8525704, 8525705, 8525707, 8525708, 8525718, 8525719, 8525730, 8525731, 8525732, 8525733, 8525734, 8525735, 8525736, 8525745, 8525746, 8525747, 8525748, 8525760, 8525761, 8525762, 8525763, 8525764, 8525765, 8525766, 8525767, 8525768, 8525769, 8525702, 8525703, 8525710, 8525711, 8525712, 8525713, 8525714, 8525715, 8525716, 8525717, 8525749, 852578, 852579, 852572, 8525740, 8525741, 8525742, 8525743, 8525744, 8528329
Hungary flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Hungary 36
Hungary Mobile 3620, 3630, 3631, 3670, 3650, 3660
Hungary Special 36212921
Ireland flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Ireland 353
Ireland Mobile 3538
Ireland Special 35376, 353818, 3533364444
Ireland Mobile Band 1 35385, 35386
Ireland Freephone 3531800
Ireland Shared Cost Fixed 3531850
Ireland Shared Cost Timed 3531890
Israel flag


Inbound number not included, please see this page for pricing.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Israel (Local) 972
Israel 972
Israel Mobile (Local) 972151, 972153, 9725, 9726
Israel Mobile 972151, 972153, 9725, 9726
Italy flag


Inbound number not included, please see this page for pricing.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Italy (Local) 39
Italy 39
Italy Mobile (Local) 394390001, 395506639, 3974, 3975, 395524680, 39439003, 395599926, 39552467, 3955110, 393515, 393516, 393710, 39373, 3939, 393517, 393518, 393519, 39319, 393510, 393511, 393512, 39382, 393500, 393505, 39381, 393711, 3933, 3936, 39370, 3934, 39377, 39383, 3932, 3938
Italy Mobile 394390001, 395506639, 3974, 3975, 395524680, 39439003, 395599926, 39552467, 3955110, 393515, 393516, 393710, 39373, 3939, 393517, 393518, 393519, 39319, 393510, 393511, 393512, 39382, 393500, 393505, 39381, 393711, 3933, 3936, 39370, 3934, 39377, 39383, 3932, 3938
Italy Mobile Band 1 (Local) 393
Italy Mobile Band 1 393
Italy Toll Free 39803, 39700, 39800
Italy Special 395500639, 395500711, 395599928
Luxembourg flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Luxembourg (Local) 352
Luxembourg (from EEA) 352
Luxembourg 352
Luxembourg Mobile (Local) 3520, 35221, 35228, 3526, 35291, 35298
Luxembourg Mobile (from EEA) 3520, 35221, 35228, 3526, 35291, 35298
Luxembourg Mobile 3520, 35221, 35228, 3526, 35291, 35298
Malaysia flag


Inbound number not included, please see this page for pricing.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Malaysia 60
Malaysia Mobile 601
Mexico flag


Inbound number not included, please see this page for pricing.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Mexico 52
Netherlands flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Netherlands (Local) 31
Netherlands (from EEA) 31
Netherlands 31
Netherlands Mobile (Local) 316
Netherlands Mobile (from EEA) 316
Netherlands Mobile 316
Netherlands Special (Local) 31660, 3167, 31900, 31906, 31909, 3190, 317439018, 31382002, 31202626905, 3120807, 3184, 3185, 3187, 316352, 3168995, 31970105, 3120244468
Netherlands Special 31660, 3167, 31900, 31906, 31909, 3190, 317439018, 31382002, 31202626905, 3120807, 3184, 3185, 3187, 316352, 3168995, 31970105, 3120244468
Netherlands Personal 31840
New Zealand flag

New Zealand

One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
New Zealand (Local) 64
New Zealand 64
New Zealand Mobile (Local) 642
New Zealand Mobile 642
Norway flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Norway (Local) 47
Norway 47
Norway Mobile (Local) 474, 4758, 4759, 479
Norway Mobile 474, 4758, 4759, 479
Norway Special (Local) 47810, 47815, 4702, 4703, 4704, 4705, 4706, 4707, 4708, 4709, 47811, 47812, 47813, 47814, 4785, 47880, 471
Norway Special 47810, 47815, 4702, 4703, 4704, 4705, 4706, 4707, 4708, 4709, 47811, 47812, 47813, 47814, 4785, 47880, 471
Peru flag


Inbound number not available.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Peru 51
Peru Mobile 5119, 51419, 51429, 51439, 51449, 51519, 51529, 51539, 51549, 51569, 51619, 51629, 51639, 51649, 51659, 51669, 51679, 51729, 51739, 51749, 51769, 51829, 51849, 519
Peru Special 5118, 514129, 514163, 51418, 514229, 514263, 51428, 514327, 514362, 514363, 51438, 514439, 51448, 515129, 515162, 515163, 51518, 515229, 515263, 51528, 515329, 515363, 51538, 515437, 51548, 515629, 515662, 515663, 51568, 516129, 516163, 51618, 516229, 516263, 51628, 516329, 516363, 51638, 516429, 516462, 516463, 516465, 51648, 516539, 516553, 516563, 51658, 516629, 516663, 51668, 516729, 516763, 51678, 517229, 517263, 51728, 517327, 517353, 517363, 51738, 517429, 517463, 517465, 51748, 517629, 517663, 51768, 518229, 518263, 51828, 518329, 518363, 51838, 518429, 518462, 518463, 518465, 51848, 5173542, 5173543, 5173544, 5173546, 5173547, 5173548, 5173549, 5173545
Poland flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Poland (Local) 48
Poland (from EEA) 48
Poland 48
Poland Mobile (Local) 4850, 4851, 4879, 4878, 4872, 4866, 4860, 4845, 4857, 4853, 4869, 4888, 4873
Poland Mobile (from EEA) 4850, 4851, 4879, 4878, 4872, 4866, 4860, 4845, 4857, 4853, 4869, 4888, 4873
Poland Mobile 4850, 4851, 4879, 4878, 4872, 4866, 4860, 4845, 4857, 4853, 4869, 4888, 4873
Poland Special (Local) 4857942, 48918820, 4873993, 48717079, 48700001, 48700000, 48614236, 48585359, 4857953, 48579476, 4857946, 48422069, 48221138, 48324501, 482574090, 48227651, 48223501, 482219889, 482219888, 48221889, 48221180, 48126880, 48123950270, 48333335, 4878026, 48780209, 48780206, 4872977, 4872978, 4872979, 4839, 48801, 48116, 48118, 4820, 4873910, 48780203, 48780204, 48780207, 48780208, 4878670, 4845915, 4845916, 4845917, 4845918, 4845919, 48459200, 48459201, 48459202, 48459203, 48459204, 48459205, 48459206, 48459207, 48459208, 484592090, 484592091, 484592092, 484592093, 484592094, 484592095, 484592096, 48459500, 48459501, 48459502, 48459503, 48459504, 48459505, 48459506, 48459507, 48459508, 484595090, 484595091, 484595092, 484595093, 484595094, 484595095, 484595096, 484595097, 4845957, 48579480, 48579481, 48579482, 48579483, 48579484, 48579485, 48579486, 48579487, 48579488, 485794890, 485794891, 485794892, 485794893, 485794894, 485794895, 485794896, 485794897, 485794898, 488747
Poland Special 4857942, 48918820, 4873993, 48717079, 48700001, 48700000, 48614236, 48585359, 4857953, 48579476, 4857946, 48422069, 48221138, 48324501, 482574090, 48227651, 48223501, 482219889, 482219888, 48221889, 48221180, 48126880, 48123950270, 48333335, 4878026, 48780209, 48780206, 4872977, 4872978, 4872979, 4839, 48801, 48116, 48118, 4820, 4873910, 48780203, 48780204, 48780207, 48780208, 4878670, 4845915, 4845916, 4845917, 4845918, 4845919, 48459200, 48459201, 48459202, 48459203, 48459204, 48459205, 48459206, 48459207, 48459208, 484592090, 484592091, 484592092, 484592093, 484592094, 484592095, 484592096, 48459500, 48459501, 48459502, 48459503, 48459504, 48459505, 48459506, 48459507, 48459508, 484595090, 484595091, 484595092, 484595093, 484595094, 484595095, 484595096, 484595097, 4845957, 48579480, 48579481, 48579482, 48579483, 48579484, 48579485, 48579486, 48579487, 48579488, 485794890, 485794891, 485794892, 485794893, 485794894, 485794895, 485794896, 485794897, 485794898, 488747
Poland Toll Free 48800
Portugal flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Portugal (Local) 351
Portugal (from EEA) 351
Portugal 351
Portugal Mobile (Local) 351169, 351189, 3516, 3519
Portugal Mobile (from EEA) 351169, 351189, 3516, 3519
Portugal Mobile 351169, 351189, 3516, 3519
Portugal Premium 35170
Portugal Mobile Band 1 (Local) 3516691, 351669200, 351669201, 351669202, 351659202, 3516609, 351659200, 351659201, 3511691, 3511891, 351609200, 351609201, 3516091, 3516391, 351639200, 351639201, 351639202, 3516591, 351609202
Portugal Mobile Band 1 3516691, 351669200, 351669201, 351669202, 351659202, 3516609, 351659200, 351659201, 3511691, 3511891, 351609200, 351609201, 3516091, 3516391, 351639200, 351639201, 351639202, 3516591, 351609202
Portugal Special 35130936, 35130565
Puerto Rico flag

Puerto Rico

Inbound number not included, please see this page for pricing.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Puerto Rico 1787, 1939
Puerto Rico Mobile 178720, 178721, 1787225, 1787226, 1787228, 178723, 178724, 1787295, 1787297, 1787298, 1787299, 178740, 1787412, 1787413, 1787414, 1787415, 178742, 178743, 1787445, 1787446, 1787450, 1787451, 1787453, 1787455, 1787457, 1787461, 1787464, 1787467, 1787469, 1787470, 1787472, 1787475, 1787477, 1787481, 1787484, 1787485, 1787486, 1787487, 178760, 178761, 1787627, 1787628, 178763, 178764, 1787667, 1787668, 1787671, 1787672, 1787674, 1787676, 1787677, 1787685, 1787688, 1787691, 1787696, 1787697, 1787698, 1787709, 1787717, 1787718, 1787810, 17879, 17875, 17873
Romania flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Romania (Local) 40
Romania 40
Romania Mobile (Local) 407
Romania Mobile 407
Romania Special (Local) 40312499, 4033751, 4033851, 4033951, 4034951, 409, 40118, 4037066
Romania Special 40312499, 4033751, 4033851, 4033951, 4034951, 409, 40118, 4037066
Singapore flag


Inbound number not included, please see this page for pricing.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Singapore (Local) 65
Singapore 65
Singapore Mobile (Local) 658, 659, 6514420, 65144020, 65144095, 653154, 653162, 653167, 653168, 653169, 653170, 653171, 653172, 653173, 653176, 653177
Singapore Mobile 658, 659, 6514420, 65144020, 65144095, 653154, 653162, 653167, 653168, 653169, 653170, 653171, 653172, 653173, 653176, 653177
Slovakia flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Slovakia (Local) 421
Slovakia 421
Slovakia Mobile (Local) 4219
Slovakia Mobile 4219
Slovakia Special (Local) 42118, 421650700, 421650906, 4211181, 4211185, 42112, 42114905, 4216, 421850
Slovakia Special 42118, 421650700, 421650906, 4211181, 4211185, 42112, 42114905, 4216, 421850
South Korea flag

South Korea

Inbound number not included, please see this page for pricing.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
South Korea 82
South Korea Mobile 821, 8201
Spain flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Spain (Local) 34
Spain (from EEA) 34
Spain 34
Spain Mobile (Local) 346, 34590, 347
Spain Mobile (from EEA) 346, 34590, 347
Spain Mobile 346, 34590, 347
Spain Special (Local) 3490, 3470, 3480, 345, 3493122
Spain Special 3490, 3470, 3480, 345, 3493122
Spain Toll Free 34800, 34900
Sweden flag


Inbound number not included, please see this page for pricing.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Sweden 46
Sweden Mobile (Local) 46252, 46254, 46376, 46518, 46519, 46655, 46656, 46673, 46674, 46675, 46676, 467, 46678
Sweden Mobile (from EEA) 46252, 46254, 46376, 46518, 46519, 46655, 46656, 46673, 46674, 46675, 46676, 467, 46678
Sweden Mobile 46252, 46254, 46376, 46518, 46519, 46655, 46656, 46673, 46674, 46675, 46676, 467, 46678
Sweden Special 4672692, 4672758
Switzerland flag


One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Switzerland (Local) 41
Switzerland 41
Switzerland Mobile (Local) 4177, 4179, 4175, 4186074279, 4186071501, 41989162, 41989145, 41989140, 41989161, 41989164, 41989144, 419891600, 419891414, 41989117, 4181579, 4174279, 41860779, 4186079, 41860775, 41860774, 41860770, 41860754, 4186078, 4168200, 4169200, 4172200, 4173200
Switzerland Mobile 4177, 4179, 4175, 4186074279, 4186071501, 41989162, 41989145, 41989140, 41989161, 41989164, 41989144, 419891600, 419891414, 41989117, 4181579, 4174279, 41860779, 4186079, 41860775, 41860774, 41860770, 41860754, 4186078, 4168200, 4169200, 4172200, 4173200
Switzerland Mobile Band 1 (Local) 417670, 417671, 417672, 417673, 417674, 4176777, 4174, 4186, 417698, 417699, 4198138
Switzerland Mobile Band 1 417670, 417671, 417672, 417673, 417674, 4176777, 4174, 4186, 417698, 417699, 4198138
Switzerland Mobile Band 2 (Local) 4120, 4176, 4178, 418607731, 417731, 4140, 4189, 4170, 41772, 41860772, 4186076, 41860780, 41860781, 41860782, 41860783, 418607842, 418607843, 418607844, 418607845, 418607846, 418607847, 418607848, 418607849, 41860785, 41860786, 41860787, 41860788, 41860789, 417888730, 417888731, 417888732, 417888733, 417888734, 417888735, 417888736, 417888737, 417888740, 417888741, 417888742, 417888743, 417888744, 417888745, 417888746, 417888747, 417888750, 417888751, 417888752, 417888753, 417888754, 417888755, 417888756, 417888757, 417888760, 417888761, 417888762, 417888763, 417888764, 417888765, 417888766, 417888767, 417888770, 417888771, 417888772, 417888773, 417888774, 417888775, 417888776, 417888777, 417888780, 417888781, 417888782, 417888783, 417888784, 417888785, 417888786, 417888787, 417893130, 417893131, 417893132, 417893133, 417893134, 417893135, 417893136, 417893160, 417893161, 417893162, 417893163, 417893164, 417893165, 417893166, 417893170, 417893171, 417893172, 417893173, 417893174, 417893175, 417893176, 417888790, 417893167, 41789314, 41789315, 41789312, 417893137, 417888795, 41789311, 417888793, 417888794, 417888792, 417888791
Switzerland Mobile Band 2 4120, 4176, 4178, 418607731, 417731, 4140, 4189, 4170, 41772, 41860772, 4186076, 41860780, 41860781, 41860782, 41860783, 418607842, 418607843, 418607844, 418607845, 418607846, 418607847, 418607848, 418607849, 41860785, 41860786, 41860787, 41860788, 41860789, 417888730, 417888731, 417888732, 417888733, 417888734, 417888735, 417888736, 417888737, 417888740, 417888741, 417888742, 417888743, 417888744, 417888745, 417888746, 417888747, 417888750, 417888751, 417888752, 417888753, 417888754, 417888755, 417888756, 417888757, 417888760, 417888761, 417888762, 417888763, 417888764, 417888765, 417888766, 417888767, 417888770, 417888771, 417888772, 417888773, 417888774, 417888775, 417888776, 417888777, 417888780, 417888781, 417888782, 417888783, 417888784, 417888785, 417888786, 417888787, 417893130, 417893131, 417893132, 417893133, 417893134, 417893135, 417893136, 417893160, 417893161, 417893162, 417893163, 417893164, 417893165, 417893166, 417893170, 417893171, 417893172, 417893173, 417893174, 417893175, 417893176, 417888790, 417893167, 41789314, 41789315, 41789312, 417893137, 417888795, 41789311, 417888793, 417888794, 417888792, 417888791
Switzerland Special 4184, 4158
Taiwan flag


Inbound number not available.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Taiwan 886
Taiwan Mobile 88660, 88670, 8869, 886400040, 886400041, 886400042, 886400010, 886400011, 886400012
Turkey flag


Inbound number not included, please see this page for pricing.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Turkey 90
Turkey Mobile 9053, 9056161, 9053910, 9051616, 9050, 9055, 9054
Turkey - Cyprus North 90392
Turkey - Cyprus North Mobile 9039285, 905338, 905428, 905469, 90548
Turkey Mobile Band 1 905, 90596, 90594, 90592, 90510261, 90510260, 905102220, 908505311, 908505400, 9053915, 9053914, 9053913, 9053912, 9053911, 90510266, 90510210, 90527, 90522, 9051
U.S. Virgin Islands flag

U.S. Virgin Islands

Inbound number not included, please see this page for pricing.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
U.S. Virgin Islands 1340
United Kingdom flag

United Kingdom

One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
United Kingdom 44
United Kingdom Corporate 4455, 4450
United Kingdom VoIP 4456
United Kingdom Personal 4476231, 4476234, 4476237, 4476542, 4476543, 4476545, 4476546, 4476600, 4476601, 4476602, 4476603, 4476604, 4476605, 4476636, 4476637, 4476661, 4476662, 4476663, 4476664, 4476665, 4476667, 4476668, 4476233, 4476235, 4476236, 4476238, 4476239, 4476403, 4476404, 4476406, 4476407, 4476591, 4476592, 4476594, 4476595, 4476598, 4476666, 447661
United Kingdom Personal Band 1 4476, 4474410
United Kingdom Freephone 44500, 44800, 44808, 447600, 4476232, 4476593, 4476596, 4476599, 447699
United Kingdom Shared Cost 4484, 4487, 44153452, 44153453, 44148152
United Kingdom Shared Cost Band 1 44843, 44871, 44872, 44870185, 44870020, 44870027, 44870039, 44870042, 44870064, 44870067, 44870069, 44870080, 44870088, 44870095, 44870096, 4487010, 44870118, 44870172, 44870174, 44870184, 44870186, 44870213, 44870218, 44870225, 44870246, 44870249, 44870250, 44870259, 44870260, 44870269, 44870280, 44870281, 44870288, 44870299, 44870312, 44870314, 44870315, 44870316, 44870321, 44870326, 44870331, 44870362, 44870371, 44870378, 44870404, 44870432, 44870437, 44870440, 44870447, 44870461, 44870466, 44870472, 44870473, 44870483, 44870486, 44870491, 44870494, 44870497, 44870611, 44870613, 44870618, 44870626, 44870716, 44870765, 44870767, 44870769, 44870771, 44870772, 44870776, 44870778, 44870779, 44870783, 44870788, 44870797, 44870808, 44870811, 44870823, 44870827, 44870857, 44870866, 44870874, 44870879, 44870910, 44870922, 44870925, 44870936, 44870942, 44870943, 44870945, 44870946, 44870948, 44870949, 44870952, 44870954, 44870963, 44870965, 44870971, 44870972, 44870997, 44870005, 44870046, 44870062, 44870081, 44870119, 44870173, 44870176, 44870211, 44870226, 44870256, 44870319, 44870335, 44870345, 44870368, 44870369, 44870445, 44870468, 44870489, 44870623, 44870629, 44870718, 44870816, 44870862, 44870957, 44870964, 44870977, 44870782, 44870019, 44870171, 44870217, 44870793, 44870940, 44870340, 44870614, 44870930, 44870931, 44870932, 44870960, 44844202, 44844204, 44844205, 44844209, 44844223, 44844224, 44844241, 44844243, 44844244, 44844245, 44844247, 44844248, 44844249, 44844256, 44844257, 44844269, 44844272, 44844273, 44844282, 44844288, 44844310, 44844314, 44844318, 44844322, 44844324, 44844327, 44844332, 44844334, 44844335, 44844338, 44844343, 44844344, 44844351, 44844353, 44844357, 44844371, 44844372, 44844374, 44844375, 44844381, 44844382, 44844393, 44844399, 44844421, 44844423, 44844441, 44844443, 44844444, 44844445, 44844447, 44844448, 44844452, 44844453, 44844470, 44844472, 44844473, 44844474, 44844477, 44844479, 44844481, 44844482, 44844488, 44844500, 44844501, 44844503, 44844504, 44844505, 44844506, 44844507, 44844509, 44844525, 44844533, 44844542, 44844543, 44844546, 44844549, 44844550, 44844551, 44844552, 44844554, 44844555, 44844556, 44844557, 44844559, 44844560, 44844561, 44844563, 44844567, 44844569, 44844570, 44844571, 44844572, 44844573, 44844576, 44844579, 44844595, 44844634, 44844644, 44844658, 44844674, 44844686, 44844692, 44844693, 44844700, 44844721, 44844739, 44844745, 44844747, 44844757, 44844762, 44844764, 44844767, 44844768, 44844770, 44844772, 44844775, 44844776, 44844777, 44844778, 44844779, 44844780, 44844782, 44844800, 44844801, 44844802, 44844804, 44844807, 44844808, 44844809, 44844811, 44844812, 44844815, 44844822, 44844824, 44844825, 44844826, 44844827, 44844840, 44844842, 44844843, 44844844, 44844846, 44844847, 44844848, 44844850, 44844851, 44844854, 44844855, 44844856, 44844857, 44844858, 44844870, 44844871, 44844873, 44844874, 44844875, 44844879, 44844880, 44844881, 44844884, 44844888, 44844896, 44844963, 44844977, 44844995, 44844997, 44844999, 44844596, 44844954, 44844942, 44844932, 44844690, 44844682, 44844677, 44844666, 44844662, 44844660, 44844328, 44844306, 44844275, 44844274, 44844271, 448440956, 44844093, 448440544, 448440001, 44844589, 44844588, 44844587, 44844586, 44844585, 44844583, 44844582, 44844581, 44844499, 44844497, 44844496, 44844495, 44844494, 44844493, 44844491, 44844418, 44844417, 44844416, 44844415, 44844414, 44844412, 44844411, 44844410, 44844665, 44844664, 44844663, 44870082, 44870329, 44870360, 44870430, 44870492, 44870760, 44870766, 44870768, 44870803, 44870805, 44870826, 44870829, 44870860, 44870008, 44870044, 44870175, 44870199, 44870210, 44870212, 44870248, 44870265, 44870350, 44870383, 44870408, 44870433, 44870482, 44870610, 44870620, 44870621, 44870624, 44870710, 44870711, 44870712, 44870790, 44870791, 44870868, 44870912, 44870913, 44870915, 44870916, 44870917, 44870921, 44870926, 44870927, 44870928, 44870947, 44870951, 44870953, 44870956, 44870961, 44870973, 44870023, 44870187, 44870348, 44870377, 44870627
United Kingdom Premium 449
United Kingdom Mobile 4478221, 4478744, 4478939, 4479112, 4479118, 4474, 4475, 4477, 4478, 4479, 447342, 447341, 447340, 447107, 447106, 447609, 447610, 4475378, 4474889, 4474887, 4474885, 4474884, 4474659, 447377, 447376, 44739, 447304, 447303, 447302, 447301, 447300, 447375, 447379, 4473781, 4473782, 4473783, 4473784, 4473785, 4473786, 4473787, 4473788, 4473789, 4475379, 4474588, 4474587, 4474583, 4475897, 4475896, 4475895, 4475894, 4475599, 4475594, 4474519, 4474089, 4474088, 4474082, 4474081, 4474080, 4474067, 4474064, 4474518, 4474514, 4474511, 4474510, 4474419, 4474513, 4474408, 4478931, 4474172, 4474068, 4474066, 4474411, 447365, 447366, 447367, 44738, 4474185, 4475202, 4474651, 4474571, 4473896, 4474570, 4473682, 4473683, 447307, 447308, 447309, 447310, 447311, 447312, 4473684, 4473685, 4473686, 4473681, 4473688, 4473689, 4473692, 447360, 447361, 447362, 447363, 447355, 447354, 44113299, 44113888, 44113899, 441423279, 44148120, 44148122, 44148123, 44148124, 44148125, 44148126, 44208041, 4476400, 4476778, 447688, 4474180, 447306, 447305, 4474186, 4474182, 4474652, 4474654, 4474656, 4474657, 4474658, 4474187, 4474189, 4475371, 4474883, 4474882, 4475374, 4475200, 4474573, 4474574, 4474577, 4474886, 4474575, 4474650, 4474655, 4474888
United Kingdom Mobile Band 1 4475207, 4477856, 4474414, 4478225, 4479785, 4479241, 4479243, 4475376, 4475206, 4474512, 4474183
United Kingdom Mobile Band 2 447418, 4479787
United Kingdom Mobile Band 3 4475591, 4474179, 4475593, 447924, 4479780, 4479781, 4477003, 4477007, 4477008, 447781, 4478297, 4478298, 4478299, 4478391, 4478392, 4478397, 4478398, 4479111, 4479117, 447937, 4474524, 4474525, 4474526, 4474515, 4475592, 447624, 447465, 4475325, 447520, 447488, 4474585, 4475329, 447457, 447537, 4475893, 4475892, 4475891, 4475710, 4475596, 4475580, 4474171, 4474069, 4474062, 4474061, 4474060, 4474517, 4474516, 4474415, 4474417, 4475898, 4474418, 4475595, 447797, 447509
United Kingdom Mobile Band 4 4474520, 4474521, 4474522, 4474523, 4474181, 4475204, 4475372, 4475377, 4475590, 4475597, 4475598, 4475890, 4477001, 4477442, 4477443, 4477444, 4477445, 4477446, 4477447, 4477448, 4477449, 4477552, 4477553, 4477554, 4477555, 4478223, 4478727, 4478922, 4478933, 4479782, 4479783, 4479788, 4479110, 4471, 4472, 4473, 4474184, 4479245, 447605, 447606, 4474065, 4474409, 4475718, 4475899, 4474582
United Kingdom Premium Band 1 44984536, 44913728, 44913021, 44984127, 44913022, 44913023, 44913031, 44913054, 44913061, 44913126, 44913509, 44913521, 44984125, 44984126, 44984197, 44984269, 44984511, 44913024, 44984124, 44984495, 44913475, 44913593, 44913595, 44984474, 44984565, 44984643, 44912233, 44913603, 44984052, 44984107, 44984204, 44984507, 44984575, 44913116, 44984198, 44984259, 44913520, 44984510, 44913020, 44913052, 44913070, 44913246, 44913263, 44913483, 44913534, 44913547, 44913646, 44984028, 44984068, 44984128, 44984137, 44984153, 44984454, 44984514, 44984652, 44989052, 44989072, 44989074, 44989090, 44913621, 44913601, 44913528, 44984492, 44984599, 44913019, 44984129, 44984497, 44913013, 44913050, 44913109, 44913244, 44913460, 44913494, 44913519, 44913582, 44913602, 44913649, 44984024, 44984105, 44984199, 44984255, 44984462, 44984509, 44984555, 44984622, 44984689, 44989070, 44913332, 44913523, 44984042, 44984504, 44984577, 44984562, 44984573, 44912243, 44912207, 44984537, 44984534, 44913729, 44912246, 44912248, 44912276, 44913718, 44912259, 44984525, 44913737, 44984592, 44913719, 44984748, 4498491, 44913711
United Kingdom Premium Band 2 44912213, 44912212, 44984542, 44912214, 44984538, 44984466, 44912210, 44912225, 44912231, 44912255, 44913091, 44913093, 44913103, 44913120, 44913122, 44913232, 44913320, 44913342, 44913355, 44984167, 44984242, 44984263, 44984265, 44984351, 44984481, 44984520, 44984546, 44984569, 44989091, 44913130, 44984134, 44984273, 44913449, 44984490, 44984485, 44913014, 44913028, 44913089, 44913102, 44913284, 44984106, 44984108, 44984169, 44984211, 44984212, 44984333, 44984455, 44984460, 44984519, 44984570, 44989036, 44989049, 44983, 44982, 44911, 4490, 44984521, 44913012, 44984104, 44984499, 44913124, 44913324, 44913497, 44984267, 44984477, 44984518, 44980211, 44984488, 44984501, 44984554, 44912226, 44913704, 44913705, 44984557, 44984590, 44984541, 44984527, 44912100, 44912101, 44912102, 44912135, 44912136, 44912137, 44912138, 44912139, 44912140, 44912141, 44912142, 44912143, 44912145, 44912146, 44912147, 44912149, 44912150, 44912151, 44912200, 44912202, 44912204, 44912206, 44912208, 44912211, 44912218, 44912219, 44912220, 44912222, 44912227, 44912230, 44912240, 44912242, 44912266, 44912270, 44912272, 44912274, 44912277, 44913041, 44913043, 44913045, 44913047, 44913049, 44913051, 44913053, 44913055, 44913056, 44913057, 44913058, 44913059, 44913063, 44913065, 44913069, 44913071, 44913072, 44913073, 44913074, 44913075, 44913076, 44913077, 44913078, 44913079, 44913080, 44913096, 44913098, 44913099, 44913104, 44913106, 44913108, 44913110, 44913111, 44913112, 44913114, 44913118, 44913128, 44913131, 44913132, 44913226, 44913227, 44913228, 44913239, 44913241, 44913245, 44913247, 44913250, 44913252, 44913254, 44913256, 44913258, 44913281, 44913283, 44913285, 44913286, 44913287, 44913288, 44913289, 44913300, 44913394, 44913439, 44913441, 44913446, 44913448, 44913452, 44913453, 44913454, 44913457, 44913458, 44913459, 44913471, 44913472, 44913473, 44913474, 44913476, 44913478, 44913482, 44913484, 44913486, 44913487, 44913489, 44913491, 44913492, 44913493, 44913495, 44913496, 44913498, 44984539, 44912209, 44984100, 44984109, 44984150, 44984154, 44984159, 44984160, 44984201, 44984202, 44984205, 44984206, 44984207, 44984208, 44984209, 44984210, 44984213, 44984214, 44984216, 44984217, 44984218, 44984222, 44984226, 44984232, 44984238, 44984243, 44984247, 44984251, 44984257, 44984261, 44984271, 44984310, 44984311, 44984312, 44984313, 44984315, 44984317, 44984319, 44984321, 44984323, 44984325, 44984327, 44984334, 44984335, 44984336, 44984355, 44984363, 44984383, 44984384, 44984446, 44984447, 44984448, 44984449, 44984451, 44984452, 44984453, 44984456, 44984457, 44984459, 44984463, 44984464, 44984467, 44984469, 44984471, 44984473, 44984476, 44984479, 44984483, 44984487, 44984491, 44984493, 44984496, 44989076, 44989077, 44989089, 44989095, 44989099, 449846, 4498430, 4498418, 4498417, 449840, 449136, 449135, 4491329, 44912275, 44984595, 44913710, 44984571, 44984593, 44984594, 44913700, 44984717, 44984737, 44984788, 44984745, 44984787, 44984755, 44984767, 44984766, 44984797
United Kingdom Personal Band 2 44798879, 4470
United Kingdom Off-Shore 441624, 441534, 441481
United States flag

United States

One local inbound telephone number included for every user

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
United States 1
United States Alaska 1907
United States Hawaii 1808
United States Toll Free 1800, 1855, 1866, 1877, 1888, 1844
United States Directory Assistance 1989555, 1985555, 1984555, 1980555, 1979555, 1978555, 1973555, 1972555, 1971555, 1970555, 1956555, 1954555, 1952555, 1951555, 1949555, 1947555, 1941555, 1940555, 1937555, 1936555, 1931555, 1928555, 1925555, 1920555, 1919555, 1918555, 1917555, 1916555, 1915555, 1914555, 1913555, 1912555, 1910555, 1909555, 1908555, 1906555, 1904555, 1903555, 1901555, 1870555, 1865555, 1864555, 1863555, 1862555, 1860555, 1859555, 1858555, 1857555, 1856555, 1850555, 1848555, 1847555, 1845555, 1843555, 1832555, 1831555, 1830555, 1828555, 1818555, 1817555, 1816555, 1815555, 1814555, 1813555, 1812555, 1810555, 1806555, 1805555, 1804555, 1803555, 1802555, 1801555, 1786555, 1785555, 1781555, 1779555, 1775555, 1774555, 1773555, 1772555, 1770555, 1769555, 1765555, 1763555, 1762555, 1760555, 1757555, 1754555, 1740555, 1734555, 1732555, 1731555, 1727555, 1724555, 1720555, 1719555, 1718555, 1717555, 1716555, 1715555, 1714555, 1713555, 1712555, 1710555, 1708555, 1707555, 1706555, 1704555, 1703555, 1702555, 1701555, 1682555, 1678555, 1662555, 1661555, 1660555, 1651555, 1650555, 1646555, 1641555, 1636555, 1631555, 1630555, 1626555, 1623555, 1620555, 1619555, 1618555, 1617555, 1616555, 1615555, 1614555, 1612555, 1610555, 1609555, 1608555, 1607555, 1606555, 1605555, 1603555, 1602555, 1601555, 1586555, 1585555, 1580555, 1575555, 1574555, 1573555, 1571555, 1570555, 1567555, 1564555, 1563555, 1562555, 1561555, 1559555, 1551555, 1541555, 1540555, 1530555, 1520555, 1518555, 1517555, 1516555, 1515555, 1513555, 1512555, 1510555, 1509555, 1508555, 1507555, 1505555, 1504555, 1503555, 1502555, 1501555, 1500555, 1484555, 1480555, 1479555, 1478555, 1475555, 1470555, 1469555, 1443555, 1440555, 1435555, 1434555, 1432555, 1430555, 1425555, 1424555, 1423555, 1419555, 1417555, 1415555, 1414555, 1413555, 1412555, 1410555, 1409555, 1408555, 1407555, 1406555, 1405555, 1404555, 1402555, 1401555, 1386555, 1361555, 1360555, 1352555, 1351555, 1347555, 1339555, 1337555, 1336555, 1334555, 1331555, 1330555, 1325555, 1323555, 1321555, 1320555, 1319555, 1318555, 1317555, 1316555, 1315555, 1314555, 1313555, 1312555, 1310555, 1309555, 1308555, 1307555, 1305555, 1304555, 1303555, 1302555, 1301555, 1281555, 1276555, 1270555, 1269555, 1267555, 1262555, 1260555, 1256555, 1254555, 1253555, 1252555, 1251555, 1248555, 1240555, 1239555, 1234555, 1231555, 1229555, 1228555, 1225555, 1224555, 1219555, 1218555, 1217555, 1216555, 1215555, 1214555, 1213555, 1212555, 1210555, 1209555, 1208555, 1207555, 1206555, 1205555, 1203555, 1202555, 1201555, 1907555, 1808555
Vatican City flag

Vatican City

Inbound number not available.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Vatican 3906682
Venezuela flag


Inbound number not included, please see this page for pricing.

Outbound destination Dialing codes Included?
Venezuela 58
Venezuela Mobile 5812, 584
Venezuela Mobile Band 1 58418, 58415
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