A fully equipped Call Centre, direct from the cloud, get started today
Unlimited call recording to help you manage compliance and performance
Bring your teams together with our collaboration features, including video calls and video conferencing.NEW
Mostly inbound calls?
Choose a low-cost monthly licence fee and simply pay as you go for the calls you make
Outbound calls to different places?
Get 2,000 outbound minutes per user/ month and one inbound number per user
Covers international calls to over 45 countries including:
Marketing and advertising is an essential part of running a business. Few organizations can become successful or profitable without marketing efforts. Different types of marketing might be appropriate depending on the industry and target customers but some sort of marketing is always necessary.
We’re all familiar with advertising, newsletters, billboards etc. However the best marketing for a business has always been word of mouth. If you have a satisfied customer recommends your business to someone else, you’ve got a potential customer who’s willing to give your product or service a chance even before you do anything. The reverse is also true. There’s no publicity as bad as a dissatisfied customer. Someone who doesn’t like your product will be willing to shout that from the rooftops!
Before computers and technology became part of our lives, word of mouth was exactly as it sounds. People talked among friends and family about a business or company whose products they liked. With electronic media at our fingertips, word of mouth has turned into reviews. There are online review sites which aggregate reviews from millions of customer on thousands of businesses around the world. In fact there are different websites dedicated to reviews on certain kinds of businesses like Yelp for restaurants.
Most companies take reviews – online or offline – pretty seriously. A few bad reviews can bring a business to its knees, depending on the publicity they receive and the size of the business. Good reviews can also boost your revenues and increase demand from customers for your services. In fact managing online reviews has almost become an art form by itself!
Many companies actively solicit reviews from their clients, especially small businesses. Larger corporations often have other avenues available to them. They have the resources to spend thousands of dollars on TV advertising or sponsoring sporting events. These avenues are out of reach for small businesses. Given their smaller customer base, reviews can have a disproportionate effect on their financial stability.
At VoIPstudio, we take customer reviews even more seriously than the competition. Your feedback and reviews matter to us. We take it seriously and love hearing from you, our clients. We pride ourselves on customer service, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that we welcome feedback. Customers can reach out to us through our website, customer support channels, social media or even the old fashioned method – the phone!
But why does it matter so much to VoIPstudio? We have a few reasons for this. Of course good reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers give us great publicity. It tells us we’re doing a good job at satisfying our clients. Who doesn’t like being told that they’re good? Who doesn’t like being praised for their work? We all do and it’s no different at VoIPstudio.
But reviews can give us so much more information than just advertising. We value your feedback since we can learn how we are doing, what we’re doing wrong (and right) and how we can improve. We develop our service – hosted VoIP – with you in mind. But you never know how well your product works until the end user tries it out. When you provide feedback on how much you like our service, it tells us we’re hitting the target.
Customer feedback keeps our teams motivated. Developing a new feature take a lot of work, effort and resources. At the end of the day, all of that is worth it only if the new feature is useful to our customers. If you don’t tell us, how would we know if it works? Your feedback can also give us ideas on how we can improve our service. As a customer, you are the best judge of what new tools would fulfill your business needs.
Your feedback can tell us where we’re going wrong or how we can improve in certain areas. No business is 100% perfect and we all make mistakes. Reviews from you on those mistakes can help us correct them. We can learn from them and make sure we don’t repeat it again.
A new feature that we thought could be very useful might not be for the vast majority of our customers. Getting feedback on this from you can help us focus on other areas or evaluate where we went wrong. Is the feature not as useful as you thought it would be? Is it filling a need but not implemented effectively? There are so many ways to get something wrong in this business but going through your feedback is the quickest method we have of spotting those errors.
So the next time something works or doesn’t for you, just reach out to us. Let us know what we’re doing right and how we can improve. Your feedback is what helps us move forward!
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Thousands of businesses across the world trust VoIPstudio for all of their most vital business communications. Why not be the next?
Thousands of businesses across the world trust VoIPstudio for all of their most vital business communications. Why not be the next?
Start a free 30 day trial now, with no long-term commitments!