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Thousands of organizations have switched to VoIP over the last decade. If your business is one of them, congratulations! Many companies try out hosted VoIP services, before moving on to an on-premise SIP trunking solution. Others may change vendors but continue to use cloud-based VoIP services. Whichever option you chose, VoIP gives you plenty of room to customize the system to your needs.
However, customization can mean different things in context. From an IT perspective, customization can mean the option to provide different types of hardware/software for employees. For a manager, the word can mean the flexibility to assign and move numbers according to the needs of project teams. VoIP customization even extends to your brand identity and image. Few businesses explore VoIP customization features as it applies to their marketing and branding efforts.
Many enterprise-grade VoIP services offer custom options that you can change according to your preferences. But it’s up to you to explore the settings panel and figure things out. Help manuals and guides can only describe the various options, they can’t tell you how it will help your company or team. Take the example of visual voicemail. You can read all about how to set this up for your staff but a manual can’t tell you how much they appreciate the improved workflows.
Most companies focus their branding efforts on logos, pictures, and even words. Everything is focused towards catching the eye of the customer. But what about their ears? Audio plays a huge role in branding. The music you select will reflect the values of your company or your target audience. Sound is everywhere in marketing – from TV jingles to the on-hold music callers hear when they call your office.
Your VoIP phone system can play an important part in aural brand identity. Quite often though, organizations ignore sound in favor of visual images. Take two completely different companies in unrelated industries. Suppose one business makes soft toys for babies and toddlers. Another manufactures industrial tools used in construction. These companies will have different brands that embody their values through logos, TV ads, sales flyers etc.
But when someone calls their business number, they hear almost the exact same voice saying similar words about customer service. Using canned music for callers on hold or leaving the default options as is might be the easier choice. It’s certainly quick and you don’t have to worry too much about making mistakes. But you’re also losing a valuable opportunity. Consider a few ways that you can customize your VoIP phones to reflect your brand:
It’s not a stretch to say that most people dislike being put on hold, even less when they hear the same music over and over. Instead of using the canned audio files that came with your system, why not use the custom jingle that plays on your TV or radio ads? Your audience already associates the specific music with your company, giving you a chance to reinforce your brand image. It also gives your callers something different to listen to!
Most businesses play some sort of automatic message in certain situations like when a customer first calls a service number or is put on hold before the music starts. They also use the same script, almost word for word. Change it up to a message that’s tailored to your audience. Do you want customers to view your brand as fun, professional, adventurous, imaginative or dependable? Your custom messaging script can reflect those qualities instead of sounding generic.
You’ve probably designed your lobby or office to show the kind of business you run. When someone calls your business number, it is the equivalent of a customer walking into the lobby. They should immediately recognize your business. If they close their eyes, they should be able to recall the music or specific sounds associated with your brand. Music, sounds, and other kinds of audio cues can impact your brand just as much as a photo.
All these components work together to produce a soundscape that’s unique to your organization. If you have an app – mobile or otherwise – the sounds you use there will also become part of it. There are numerous ways audio plays a part in connecting with your audience. Using the same audio or music across all touchpoints breeds familiarity for your customers. It extends the connection they have with your company, brand, products, and services.
At the end of the day, audio can influence your audiences’ first impression of your company when they call in. Customizing your VoIP phone system is just as important as selecting the right colors for your logo. Think outside the box and see what’s possible with your phones!
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Thousands of businesses across the world trust VoIPstudio for all of their most vital business communications. Why not be the next?
Thousands of businesses across the world trust VoIPstudio for all of their most vital business communications. Why not be the next?
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