A fully equipped Call Centre, direct from the cloud, get started today
Unlimited call recording to help you manage compliance and performance
Bring your teams together with our collaboration features, including video calls and video conferencing.NEW
Mostly inbound calls?
Choose a low-cost monthly licence fee and simply pay as you go for the calls you make
Outbound calls to different places?
Get 2,000 outbound minutes per user/ month and one inbound number per user
Covers international calls to over 45 countries including:
Changes in technology have touched every type of business and industry in the world. The office of today bears very little resemblance to its predecessors of the 20th century. Gone are the 9 to 5 schedules or the need to sit at the same desk throughout the year. Organizations expect employees to go where the work takes them and stay in touch throughout. Workers themselves are demanding flexible schedules and telecommuting so they can work without constraints.
The tourism industry is no exception to these developments. Businesses operating in this sector have adapted to changing conditions and customer demand. Tourism is now a global industry and the same old package tours are no longer sufficient to attract customers. People now demand variety and new experiences when traveling. Your company has to deliver exceptional products and services to stay in the game.
Delivering exceptional service requires the proper infrastructure and support. Your phone system has to be reliable and offer high quality calls. Not only do your own branches need to stay in touch with each other but you also need 24×7 access to other entities within the industry. You’re constantly in communication with airlines, hotels, individual representatives etc. and not all of them will be in the same country. Juggling time zones, user demands, partner constraints etc. is not easy, especially if you are stuck with older technology.
Landlines have not kept pace with the changing needs of the tourism industry. Your employees need access to voice calling on the go. The introduction of mobile devices has made it possible for users to stay in touch even when they are traveling. The information that your employees need to do their jobs may be scattered across different systems such as email, text messaging, company databases and so on. Even though other types of systems are moving towards interoperability, landlines remain as their own separate silo.
VoIP brings voice calling into the 21st century. Your phone system no longer has to be separate from all your other corporate tools. If you opt for a hosted VoIP solution from an external vendor, you don’t even have to maintain the system yourself. Getting started with VoIP doesn’t need a lot of investment – just SIP compatible phones and a strong Internet connection. What if you don’t have Internet or the connectivity is poor? You can automatically redirect incoming calls to any landline or mobile number. No more missed calls or opportunities!
The global nature of tourism means that you never know when or where the next problem will crop up. You need to be prepared for natural disasters or any other type of emergency. Since VoIPstudio delivers phone services over the Internet, you don’t have to worry about equipment on your premises. We have data centers around the world with automatic fallback for reliability. All your data is safely stored and secured appropriately. Rest assured that even if your office is hit with a snowstorm or a fire, your employees can still work from an alternate location or even their homes. Even a few hours of downtime can be disastrous for your company, so we work hard to make sure that there isn’t any.
VoIPstudio is built on standardized protocols such as SIP. This means you can easily integrate your phone system with other enterprise tools such as CRM software, ERP databases etc. If you use Salesforce, integrate VoIPstudio with it so your workers can make calls from within the CRM application. Provide a button on your website for customers to call your company from within their browser.
Bring voice calling together with group video chat, messaging and other multimedia communication channels. You no longer need multiple vendors, hardware and/or apps for each communication channel you use. Get one consolidated bill each month with no unexpected fees or charges.
Getting started with our platform doesn’t require capital investment. You don’t need to purchase new equipment or software licenses. While many companies prefer to purchase new SIP compatible phones you don’t have to. If you already have high quality phones in good condition, you can use them with adapters to make VoIP calls. VoIPstudio doesn’t hold you to a contract and you’re free to leave if you’re not satisfied with our service.
We also offer a 30 day free trial that doesn’t even need any credit card information. So you can try out the service in real world conditions to make sure it is a good fit for your organization. Access all your account details, advanced features and configuration settings through the online dashboard. The above benefits are just a few highlights of what you can get with VoIP. Start using VoIPstudio today and see the difference yourself!
Start a free 30 day trial now, no credit card details are needed!
Thousands of businesses across the world trust VoIPstudio for all of their most vital business communications. Why not be the next?
Thousands of businesses across the world trust VoIPstudio for all of their most vital business communications. Why not be the next?
Start a free 30 day trial now, no Credit Card details are needed!