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Settings - Auto Dialler

Autodialler offers the ability to optimize your outbound call flow by using predefined parameters to maximize productivity and reduce downtime.

Note: The Auto Dialler feature is only availble to clients on the Pay-as-You-Go plan.

Auto Dialler Softphone Client


Figure 16.1 Add/Edit Auto Dialler Campaigns.
  1. Area where Call Script is displayed during call.
  2. Call Notes - Area where notations of call can be made.



Figure 16.2 Create/Edit Lead.
  1. Click to filter Leads by different sources.
  2. Click to add Lead.
  3. Click on Lead Name to Edit an Existing Campaign

Leads General Settings


Figure 16.3 General Settings Lead.
  1. Select the Lead Source.
  2. Enter unique Company Name.
  3. Enter unique First Name / Last Name.
  4. Enter contact phone number/s.
  5. Select speed dial number for Lead (optional).
  6. Enter email.
  7. Select the current status of lead: Pending, Failed, and Success.
  8. Labels allow for quick and simple filter and management of Lead.
  9. Allows for managing and assigning labels to a Lead.
  10. Enter any additional notes if required.

Lead Sources


Figure 16.4 Add/Edit Lead Sources.
  1. Click to filter list by different Lead Sources.
  2. Add new lead source
  3. Click on Lead Sources Name to Edit an Existing Lead.

Lead Sources Add


Figure 16.5 Create/Edit Lead.
  1. Enter Lead Source name.
  2. Webhook API: Once created edit the source to see the JSON Code for Webhooks.
  3. CSV: Import contact list with .csv file (Note .csv file cannot exceed 3MBs in size).
  4. Contact: Add leads via existing VoIPStudio contact list.

Lead Sources Edit


Figure 16.6 Create/Edit Lead.
  1. Edit current Lead source name.
  2. Current Leads in Lead Source.
  3. Click on Number to Edit an existing individual Lead.



Figure 16.7 Add/Edit Auto Dialler Campaigns.
  1. Click to Add a New Campaign.
  2. Click on Campaign Name to Edit an Existing Campaign.

Campaign General Settings


Figure 16.8 Campaign General Settings.
  1. Enter unique name and description.
  2. Add lead source.
  3. Use Agent's Caller ID - If enabled agents will use their existing Caller ID. Outbound Caller ID - Select Default CLI/Caller ID will be displayed for all outgoing calls by agents that do not fit Dynamic Caller ID Criteria.
  4. Select ALL numbers to be used for Caller ID. NOTE: Dynamic CLI will only apply to countries that match the Inbound numbers assigned.
  5. When enabled agents can leave a note to summarize last call.
  6. Select Call Script to be used while agent are actively participating in campaign
  7. Click to Manage Call Spcipts
  8. Select Call Recording options: Always or Never record call, Use Members own setting.
  9. Wrap up time: After a successful call, how many seconds to wait before sending a potentially free agent another call.
  10. Make first call attempt - When lead is added the system will immediately begin the call flow.
  11. Governs the retry time (minutes, hours, days) for the leads in this Campaign.
  12. Dispalys the current users involed with Campaign.
  13. Use the cross icon to remove user from the queue.
  14. Click to asign users add to the Campaign.
  15. Click Start to commence Campaign. Click Delete to reomve exisitng Campaign. Note option only avaible when editing existing campaign.

Campaign Call Script


Figure 16.9 Create/Edit Call Script.
  1. Enter unique name.
  2. The text that is displayed for agents while actively participating in campaign.
  3. Click Update to save changes.
  4. Edit/Delete option for existing Call Script.